Reference for dynamic provisioning profiles
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Reference for dynamic provisioning profiles

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Article summary

You can access a list of all available profiles via the Product Menu > PAM Core > Dynamic Provisioning > Profiles. On the screen, you will find the following information:

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass button, it hides or shows the filter options.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow, it updates the information on the screen.
Show actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots, it opens a drop-down menu with four options.
New profileOpens theCredential provisioning profile window
Print reportPrints the report.
Export CSVExports the report in .CSV format.
Schedule the reportOpens the form to schedule the report.

Search fields

When you click on Show filters, a series of fields are displayed. These are used to refine your search results. They are:

IDProfile registration code in senhasegura.
IdentifierName of the profile indicated when registering with senhasegura.
TypeDrop-down menu. Allows you to choose between the template types registered in senhasegura.
EnabledDrop-down menu. Indicates the status of the profile. Can beYes or No.

In addition to these options, you have two buttons: Filter, which applies the parameters passed into the fields, and Clear, which clears all the parameters.

Report fields

In the profile list, you have the following fields:

  • ID.
  • Identifier.
  • Type.
  • Default TTL: profile lifetime in seconds.
  • Enabled.
  • In the Action column you can find the Change profile option, represented by the paper and pencil icon.

Credential provisioning profile window

IdentifierName to identify the dynamic provisioning profile within senhasegura.
EnabledIndicates the status of the profile. Can beYes or No.

Type section

TypeDrop-down menu to select the type of dynamic provisioning.
Use registered credentials to access all devicesCheckbox. Select this if you want to use an existing credential to access devices using the dynamic provisioning profile.
Registered system access credentialDrop-down menu for selecting the access credential previously registered with senhasegura .Note: this menu is only enabled if you select theUse registered credential to access all devices option.
Credential usernameText field to indicate the username of the credential that will be used to access the devices via the dynamic provisioning profile.Note: this text field is only enabled if you don't select the**Use registered credential to access all devices **option.

Template section

Credential creation templateDrop-down menu to select the template responsible for creating the dynamic provisioning credential.
Plus iconNext to the credential creation template drop-down menu. Clicking on the icon takes you to theTemplate registration form.
Credential removal templateDrop-down menu to select the template responsible for removing the dynamic provisioning credential.
Plus iconNext to theCredential removal templatedrop-down menu. Clicking on the icon takes you to the template registration form.
RolesText field for adding the roles to which the dynamic provisioning credential will be linked. Separate the roles with commas.
Question mark iconOpens a modal explaining about the roles.
Numeric entry buttonThis is used to determine the lifetime, in seconds, of the dynamic provisioning credential. The default value is 3600 seconds.

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