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User posture
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This document provides information about the User posture dashboard, which displays the user profile, access behavior, completed sessions, accessed websites, and continuous risk assessment based on user interactions.
- Administrator or system auditor permission.
Path to access
- On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select User Behavior.
- In the side menu, select Dashboard > User posture.
User filter
Item | Type | Description |
User | Dropdown menu | Selects the desired user. |
Filter | Button | Filters information by the selected user. |
User profile
Card with the following information about the user:
Item | Description |
Status | Indicates if the user is Enabled/Disabled in senhasegura. |
Avatar | Displays the user avatar. |
Name | Displays the user identification name. |
IP address | Displays the last IP address used to access senhasegura. |
Last access | Displays the date and time of the user's last access. |
User Behavior
Card with the following information about the user's access history:
Item | Description |
Period with greater use | Displays the time of day with the highest usage by the user. The options are Morning, Afternoon, and Night. |
Total logins | Displays the total number of logins made by the user. Opens the Access control screen. |
Recording time | Displays the total recording time of all sessions performed by the user. |
Average length | Displays the average duration of each session performed by the user. |
Locations | Displays the number of locations from which accesses were made. It opens the Access by location screen and is available for accesses made through Domum Remote Access. |
Card showing the number of remote sessions performed by the user.
Opens the Remote sessions screen.
Pie chart showing the number of sessions performed according to the device's site.
Opens the Remote sessions screen and displays a list of sessions filtered by the selected site.
Rating evolution
XY graph showing the history of a user's assessment based on their behavior in the last 45 days.
The X-axis displays access days, and the Y-axis displays the user's daily score.
Note: the higher the score, the more trustworthy the user is.
Device type
Pie chart showing the number of sessions the user performed by device type.
Opens the Remote sessions screen displaying sessions corresponding to the chosen device types.
Device criticality
Pie chart showing the number of sessions grouped by device criticality.
Criticality options are High, Medium, Low, and Undefined**.**
Opens the Remote sessions screen displaying sessions corresponding to the selected criticality.
Credential criticality
Pie chart showing the number of sessions grouped by credential criticality. Criticality options are High, Medium, Low, and Undefined. Clicking on any part of the chart opens the Remote sessions screen displaying sessions corresponding to the selected criticality.
High risk sessions
Report with the following information about the high-risk sessions performed by the user.
The external link icon opens the Sessions with risk screen.
Item | Description |
Device | Displays the address of the device where the session was performed. Clicking on the desired IP address opens the Device access profile screen. |
Credential | Displays the credential used in the high-risk session. Clicking on the desired credential name opens the Credential access profile screen. |
Date | Displays the date and time when the session was performed. |
Duration | Displays the duration of the high-risk session. |
Access details | Opens the Access details screen |
Video of session | Opens the Video of session screen. |
Suspicious events
Report with the following information about the sessions with suspicious events:
Item | Description |
Detail | Displays the suspicious event type. |
Date | Displays the date and time when the event was performed. |
Access details/View details | Opens the Access details screen for session-type events or the View details screen for password-view-type events. |
Video of session | Opens the Video of session or the Justification screen if the Enable approval for session videos* is activated. Available for session-type events. |