Execution template tags
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Execution template tags

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Article summary

Tags are pre-defined variables that can be used in senhasegura templates instead of hard-coded information, allowing the use of the same template for operations on multiple devices.

PAM Core tags

[#USERNAME#]Username of the credential that will have its password changed
[#NEW_PASSWORD#]The new password you want the credential to use
[#CURRENT_PASSWORD#]The password in use for the credential
[#AUTH_USER#]Username of the credential that will be authenticated on the station/system/server to perform the change
[#AUTH_PASSWORD#]Password of the credential that will authenticate itself to execute the change
[#AUTH_DOMAIN#]Domain of the credential that will authenticate itself to execute the change
[#ADD_INFO#]Additional credential information
[#IP#]The credential's device IP that will have the password changed
[#HOSTNAME#]The credential's device hostname that will have the password changed
[#DOMAIN#]The credential's device domain that will have the password changed
[#SERVER_PATH#]The path of the credential server that will have the password changed

DevOps Secret Manager tags

Application and authorization tags

[#APP_NAME#]Application name
[#APP_AUTH_UNIQUE_KEY#]Authorization unique key
[#APP_AUTH_TYPE#]Authorization authentication type
[#APP_AUTH_CLIENT_ID#]OAuth2 client ID
[#APP_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET#]OAuth2 client secret
[#APP_AUTH_CONSUMER_KEY#]OAuth1 consumer key
[#APP_AUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET#]OAuth1 consumer secret
[#APP_AUTH_TOKEN#]OAuth1 Auth token
[#APP_AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET#]OAuth1 token secret

Secrets tags

[#SECRET_NAME#]Secret name
[#SECRET_IDENTIFIER#]Secret identifier
[#SECRET_VERSION#]Secret version
[#SECRET_ENGINE#]Secret engine name
[#SECRET_EXPIRATION_DATE#]Secret expiration date
[#SECRET_DATA#]All secret data

Secret data tags

[#ACCESS_KEY_ID#]Access key ID
[#SECRET_ACCESS_KEY#]Secret access key
[#ACCESS_KEY_TTL#]Access key TTL
[#CREDENTIAL_HOSTNAME#]Credential hostname
[#CREDENTIAL_USERNAME#]Credential username
[#CREDENTIAL_PASSWORD#]Credential password
[#CREDENTIAL_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION#]Credential additional information

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