FAQ - Frequently asked questions about MySafe
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FAQ - Frequently asked questions about MySafe

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Article summary

This document provides quick answers to common questions about using MySafe. For more detailed information, please refer to the documentation.

About MySafe setup

What are the prerequisites to use MySafe?
  • A compatible browser for the web version or installation of the extension.
  • Connection to the senhasegura server (local or via VPN).
  • Mobile devices running Android 10+ for the mobile app.
How do I log in to MySafe for the first time?
  1. Access senhasegura.
  2. Use the credentials provided by your administrator.
  3. Set up a secure password and optionally enable multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  4. Access MySafe through the Products menu.

More information in First steps with MySafe web.

What are the differences between the available versions?
  • Web: full access, including sharing, dashboards, and settings.
  • Extension and app: quick password management, access to notes and and autofill passwords on websites.

More information in MySafe, MySafe extension, and senhasegura mobile app.

About password and item management

What types of information can I manage in MySafe?
  • Web version: manage passwords, email accounts, notes, files (up to 500 MB), and API secrets.
  • Extension and app: manage passwords and access notes.

More information in MySafe, MySafe extension and senhasegura mobile app.

How do I organize my passwords efficiently?
  • Add Tags when creating items. Example: use “social networks” to categorize Facebook and Instagram passwords.

More information in How to manage passwords using MySafe web.

How does MySafe help me create safe passwords?
  • Use the Generate Password button and set criteria like length and special characters.

    Create passwords with at least 12 characters, including letters, numbers, and symbols.

More information in How to generate safe passwords with MySafe.

About sharing and data migration

How can I share a password with someone without a MySafe account?
  1. Select the item and click Share.
  2. Choose the External option, enter the recipient’s email, and configure permissions.

The recipient will receive a secure link to access the item.

More information in How to manage the external share of an item.

What are the sharing limits?
  • Internal: no limit for batch sharing.
  • External: one password at a time, but you can add multiple recipients.

More information in How to manage the external share of an item.

How do I migrate data from another manager to MySafe or vice versa?
  • Use the Batch import feature to import data from other managers.
  • It’s not possible to export items from MySafe to other platforms.

More information in How to import passwords and notes to MySafe.

About security

I forgot my access password. What should I do?
  1. Contact your administrator to reset your password.
  2. Create a new password during your next login.

More information in First steps with MySafe web.

What should I do if I suspect my account has been compromised?
  1. Contact your administrator to reset your password.
  2. Enable MFA.
  3. Review connected apps in the My apps section.

More information in First steps with MySafe web and How to manage applications in MySafe.

How does MySafe ensure the security of my data?

MySafe uses end-to-end encryption to protect your items both at rest and in transit.

More information in MySafe.

What happens to my passwords if I lose access to MySafe?

If you lose access to MySafe, such as after leaving your company:

  • Your items will be deactivated along with your account.
  • Shared items will remain accessible to recipients, respecting configured permissions.
  • Contact the support team for further information.
How often should I change my passwords?Use the Password generator to change your passwords in the following situations:
  • According to your company's policy (for example, every 3 months).

  • Immediately after a sharing period expires.
    To ensure that the password hasn't been recorded during sharing.

  • If there is suspicion of data breach.
    When data is exposed, criminals may try to use the leaked information to access your accounts.

  • When employees with password access leave the company.
    To ensure that former employees no longer have access to corporate accounts.
Can I use the browser extension offline?

No. The extension requires a local or VPN connection to the senhasegura server to access and manage items.

More information in First steps with the MySafe extension.

About advanced features

How can dashboards help me administer MySafe?

Dashboards provide insights such as:

  • Users without items: identify those not using MySafe and promote engagement actions.
  • Most used sites: monitor services used to detect shadow IT or impacts of incidents.

More information in Global administration.

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