General application information
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General application information

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# Application versions

This document provides information about the senhasegura application, including details from the following reports: Application Versions, Access Proxy, Licenses, Incidents, System Updates, and EULA.

Path to Access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Product Menu and select Orbit Server Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Application > Application versions.

Application Versions

Accessible through Orbit Server Manager > Application > Application versions.
This form contains information about the versions of the senhasegura instance.

ApplicationText fieldName of the application.
Instance typeText fieldType of the application instance.
Application userText fieldApplication username.
ClientText fieldClient name.
ServerText fieldServer name.
PackageText fieldName of the package in senhasegura.
VersionText fieldCurrent version of the package.

Proxy Access

Accessible through Orbit Server Manager > Application > Proxy Access.
Each card provides information about the senhasegura proxies.

NameText fieldName of the proxy.
RestartButtonRestarts the service.
StopButtonStops the service.


Accessible through Orbit Server Manager > Application > Licenses..
Contains information about the senhasegura instance licenses.

ModulesText fieldIndicates the activation status of each module within senhasegura.


Accessible through Orbit Server Manager > Application > Incidents.
It contains information about incidents that occurred in the senhasegura instance. Each card includes details about the incident, as shown in the example below:

Incident #247719660444 - Server configuration tuning not applied
Incident #247719660444 - Server configuration tuning not applied 
    Start: 08/15/2024 13:14:04 | Update: 11/07/2024 14:51:02
The server configuration tuning is different from the minimum required.

System Updates

Accessible through Orbit Server Manager > Application > System updates.
Contains information on updates to senhasegura packages. It indicates whether there are any new updates for the packages and which version each package is in.

Check for UpdatesButtonChecks for pending updates for the instance.
Package nameText fieldName of the package in senhasegura.
VersionText fieldThe latest version of the package is available.
ArchitectureText fieldArchitecture of the package.
Upgradable fromText fieldThe version of the package is currently installed on the senhasegura instance.

For information about the senhasegura EULA, access the respective documentation available at senhasegura EULA.

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