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Article summary

This document provides information about the Orbit Server Manager home page.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Product Menu and select Orbit Server Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Home.


The Orbit Server Manager panel provides centralized access for configuring and monitoring the system's main functions and critical information, such as server status and instance details. It is organized into categories to facilitate navigation and performing administrative tasks.

Panel section

WizardInitial configurations to adjust the application.
MessageManagement of system messages.
CertificateArea for managing certificates.
LDAP serverLDAP configuration for authentication and directories.
LDAP/AD groupManagement of groups associated with Active Directory or LDAP.
ProviderConfiguration of external providers related to the application.
NormalizeWhen enabled, senhasegura will recreate the system's fixed records.
SettingsGeneral adjustments for the server and application.
ReplicationConfiguration of data replication between instances.
BackupBackup management.
VersionInformation and management of the installed version.
ActivationManagement of application licenses and activations.
IncidentView and track registered incidents in the system.
LicensesManagement of licenses associated with the application and additional modules.

Instance information section

ApplicationName and version of the installed application.
Instance typeDefines whether the instance is for production, testing, or another configured environment.
ClientName of the client associated with this instance.
Instance IDUnique identifier for the running instance.
Application URLThe access address for the application is on the configured network.

Server information section

HostnameName assigned to the server.
IPIP address of the configured server.
UptimeTotal uptime since the last system reboot.
LoadThe system load average indicates resource usage over recent periods.

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