How to manage a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provider
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How to manage a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provider
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On senhasegura, you can manage your MFA providers. For each provider, you'll have a different registration process, but to manage them, they will follow the same features.
Edit an MFA provider
- To change a previously registered device, access the Providers report, click on the Actions button and select Edit.
- The Provider Registration window will open in edit mode.
- Change what you need to and click Save.
Activate, reactivate or deactivate an MFA provider
- To change a previously registered device, access the Providers report, click on the Actions button and select Edit.
- The Provider Registration window will open in edit mode.
- In the Active field, select No to deactivate or Yes to activate, reactivate or deactivate the provider.
- Click Save.
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