How to configure GLPi integration in senhasegura
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How to configure GLPi integration in senhasegura

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Article summary

This guide shows how to configure the integration between senhasegura and GLPi ITSM using the REST API.


  • GLPi ITSM API authentication data:
    • GLPi ITSM API URL (the API endpoint).
    • GLPi ITSM User.
    • GLPi ITSM Application Token.
    • GLPi ITSM Password.

Configure GLPi ITSM

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Security policies and network > ITSM.
  3. In the ITSM report, in the top bar, click on Add.
  4. In the Registration of integration with ITSM screen, select GLPi ITSM.
  5. In the Registration of integration with ITSM screen, fill in the fields:
    • Integration name: name of the integration in senhasegura.
    • Enabled: select Yes
    • API URL: GLPi ITSM API endpoint.
    • User: user with access to tickets in GLPi ITSM.
    • Application token: authentication token in GLPi ITSM
    • Password: GLPi ITSM user password.
  6. Click Save.

It’s necessary that the option Enable login with credentials is enabled in the GLPi API settings.

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