How to import passwords and notes to MySafe
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How to import passwords and notes to MySafe

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Article summary

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to import passwords and notes in bulk into MySafe, either from other password managers or by using the provided template file.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, on the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select MySafe.
  2. In the side menu, select Batch import.

Import passwords from other password managers

To import passwords from other password managers like LastPass and Keeper, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the LastPass or Keeper website.
  2. In the password export area, download the file with the passwords.
  3. Save the file in a secure and accessible location on your device.
  4. On the Batch import screen of MySafe, click Import.
  5. On the Add new batch import screen, select LastPass or Keeper.
  6. In the upload field, upload the exported .csv or. json file.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Wait for the process to complete and refresh the page to check if the passwords were successfully imported on the Passwords screen.

Permanently delete the downloaded file from your device after the import to prevent third parties from accessing your passwords.

Import passwords from a template file

To import passwords from a template file, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Batch import screen, click Import.
  2. Choose the Password option.
  3. On the Add new batch import screen, click Template file to download the spreadsheet in .xlsx format.
  4. Fill out the spreadsheet according to the provided instructions, adding the password information.
  5. Save the filled spreadsheet on your device.
  6. Return to the Add new batch import screen.
  7. Upload the filled file in the upload field.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Wait for the process to complete and refresh the page to check if the passwords were successfully imported on the Passwords screen.

Permanently delete the filled file from your device after the import to prevent third parties from accessing your passwords.

More information on First steps with MySafe web.

Import notes from a template file

To import notes from a template file, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Batch import screen, click Import.
  2. Choose the Note option.
  3. On the Add new batch import screen, click Template file to download the spreadsheet in .xlsx format.
  4. Fill out the spreadsheet according to the provided instructions, adding the notes information.
  5. Save the filled spreadsheet on your device.
  6. Return to the Add new batch import screen.
  7. Upload the filled file in the upload field.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Wait for the process to complete and refresh the page to check if the notes were successfully imported on the Notes screen.

Permanently delete the filled file from your device after the import to prevent third parties from accessing your notes.

View import process details

To check the status of your imports and identify any potential errors, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Batch import screen, identify the desired import.
  2. Click the Actions button and select one of the options:
    1. Process details: view detailed information, including status, lines with errors, and progress of the import.
    2. Download: download the .csv file that was uploaded.

Important information

  • If MySafe identifies errors during the import, review the .csv file or template spreadsheet to correct the data and re-import the spreadsheet.
  • To ensure compatibility, use a reliable spreadsheet editor to fill out the template file.
  • Permanently delete the files after import to prevent third parties from accessing your confidential information.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura community.

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