How to manage the application
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How to manage the application

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Article summary


It's possible to access the application logs, previously stored in files and indexed in Elasticsearch, directly from the second cluster. These reports contain approximately 10.000 records.

You can manage the state of your senhasegura instance application with the orbit application command.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit application --help
Usage: orbit application [<command>]

Application settings tools.

[<command>]    Control the application services status:

   --help       Show context-sensitive help.

   --version    Show the application components versions
   --force      Force the command execution, never prompt
  • start: Activates the instance for users' use.
  • stop: Inactivates the instance for users' use.
  • restart: Restart the services used to distribute the Web application, except the database, proxy systems and services started by Cron.
  • status: Displays the status of this instance.
  • primary: Sets this instance to Primary in a cluster scenario.
  • version: Displays the installed version of the Orbini platform and senhasegura.

Application status

The orbit application status command displays the status of each primary function of the instance. Being:

  • Application: Status of the instance as to its activation. Active to be available for the user's use and Inactive to be unavailable for the user's use;
  • Replication: Replication/cluster status of this instance. Active indicates you are a cluster member, and Inactive indicates you are not part of a cluster;
  • Instance: Role of the instance in the cluster. Primary for the main instance, Secondary for support instance (Slave);
mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit application status

Application: Active
Replication: Inactive
Instance:    Primary

Inactivate instance usage

The orbit application stop command inactivates the application for user use. This action doesn't affect the activation of the license or the execution of the robots in the instance.

This action is equivalent to activating the instance in the menu Orbit Server Manager > Settings > Application.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit application stop
The application services will be stopped or restarted during the process.
Are you sure you want to proceed: y

Application: Inactive
Replication: Inactive
Instance:    Primary

Activate the use of the instance

The orbit application start command activates the application for user use. This action does not affect the activation of the license or the execution of the robots on the instance.

This action is equivalent to activating the instance in the menu Orbit Server Manager > Settings > Application.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit application start
The application services will be stopped or restarted during the process.
Are you sure you want to proceed: y

Application: Active
Replication: Inactive
Instance:    Primary

Set the instance as primary

The orbit application master command configures the instance as a Primary instance. If the instance is inactive, it will be automatically activated and raised to Primary.


The Primary instance is responsible for the execution of unique services that are not executed in the other instances of the Cluster.

  • This command is only used for cluster mode environment.
  • This functionality is also available on the Orbit Server Manager screen (if the instance is not the master, a button will be available to assume this position). For more details, see the How to create a cluster documentation.
mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit application master
The application services will be stopped or restarted during the process.
Are you sure you want to proceed: y

Application: Active
Replication: Inactive
Instance:    Primary

Restart application services

The orbit application restart command restarts the services used to distribute the Web application, except the database, proxy systems, and services started by Cron. Restarts only the services used by the Webserver.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:/home/mt4adm## sudo orbit application restart
The application services will be stopped or restarted during the process.
Are you sure you want to proceed: y█

Application: Active
Replication: Inactive
Instance:    Primary

Get the installed version

The orbit application version command presents the Orbini instance and framework version. Its operation is similar to the orbit version command, described previously.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit application version

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