How to activate the senhasegura license
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How to activate the senhasegura license

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Article summary

This article provides a how-to guide on activating the senhasegura license.


  • Access to the Affinity portal.

The Affinity portal is exclusively intended for senhasegura partners, with access restricted to them.

Activate the senhasegura license

To activate the senhasegura license, follow these steps:

  1. Open your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge).
  2. Enter the senhasegura instance IP into the browser's address bar. This will redirect you to the activation screen.
  3. Once on the activation screen, an activation code will be displayed. Copy this code to proceed.
  4. Open a new browser window and access the Affinity portal.
  5. Use your credentials to log in.
  6. After successful authentication, go to Activation > Activation > Request Activation Code.
  7. Fill in the required fields in the activation form:
    • Hostname or server IP: use the information defined in your senhasegura instance.
    • License: select the desired license.
    • Expiration days *: this field is only valid for Proof of concept Environments and defines the validity of the license.
    • Environment: select between Proof of concept, Production, Contingency, and Acceptance.

The licensing terms for senhasegura are determined by the contractual agreement between the client and MT4 Technology. It's crucial to understand that this license directly impacts the capacity to add users and devices to the application.

  1. Paste the activation code you copied in step 3 into the Request code field.
  2. Select the senhasegura modules that you want to be available in this instance.
  3. Click Generate Activation Key to initiate the generation of a license code.

As long as the purchased support contract remains active, the latest version of the purchased product will always be provided and activated, regardless of the originally contracted version. The generated license is tied to the duration of the contract and the machine on which it was activated, not to the software version. This ensures that the acquired version does not reach its end of life (END OF LIFE).

  1. Copy the license code generated in the Activation code field and paste it into the activation screen of your senhasegura instance.
  2. After entering the license code, click Activate Application.

After entering the activation key, ensure you click the Activate Application button only once. Clicking it accidentally without a valid license filled will result in the application being inactivated, requiring you to repeat the license activation process.


You’ll receive a detailed summary of the license, including information such as the requester's name, the start date of the license's validity, expiration date, automatic block settings, and the instance's modules, among other details.

Once you’ve successfully followed these steps, your senhasegura license will be active, and the selected modules will be available for your instance. With the license activated, you can enable and use the senhasegura application.

Activate the senhasegura license with Multi-Tenant

If you’re using senhasegura Multi-Tenant (available on all senhasegura instances from version 3.33 onwards), you can activate the license using the following path: Grid Menu > Settings > Application activation.

Please note that this option is a shortcut to the same feature found in Grid Menu > Orbit Server Manager > Application activation. However, this shortcut will only be available after completing the initial activation process that is required post-installation.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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