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Article summary


This document provides information about the ITSM report, which displays information about support ticket system integrations registered in senhasegura.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Security policies and network > ITSM.

Actions Menu

NewButtonDirects to the Registration of integration with ITSM screen to register a new ITSM integration.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options for Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search Fields

IDText FieldFilters by the code of the ITSM integration in senhasegura
NameText FieldFilters by the name of the ITSM integration in senhasegura.
SystemDropdown menuFilters by the integration ticket system. The options are Jira Service Desk, Zendesk, ServiceNow, CA Service Desk Manager, BMC Helix (Remedy) and GLPi ITSM.
EnabledDropdown menuFilters the registers by their activation state. The options are Yes or No. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report Fields

  • ID
  • Name
  • System
  • Enabled
  • Actions:
  • Edit : opens the Registration of ticket system integration screen in edit mode.
  • Test authentication: directs to the System Integration Test screen.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen . To go to the next screen , click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Registration of ticket system integration

Integration system selection

Integration ServiceAction
Jira Service DeskDirects to the Registration of integration with ITSM screen for the Jira Service Desk.
ZendeskDirects to the Registration of integration with ITSM screen for Zendesk.
FreshdeskDirects to the Registration of integration with ITSM screen for the Freshdesk.
ServiceNowOpens the Registration of integration with ITSM screen for the ServiceNow.
CA Service Desk ManagerDirects to the Registration of integration with ITSM screen for the CA Service Desk Manager.
GLPi ITSMDirects to the Registration of integration with ITSM screen for the GLPi ITSM.

Jira Service Desk

Integration NameText FieldYesIntegration identification name.
EnabledRadio buttonYesEnables or disables the integration status.
API URLText FieldYesJira Service Desk API endpoint.
UserText FieldYesUsername for authentication.
API TokenText FieldNoAPI token for authentication.


Integration NameText FieldYesIntegration identifier name.
EnabledRadio buttonYesEnables or disables the integration status.
API URLText FieldYesZendesk system API address.
Email addressText FieldYesEmail address associated with the Zendesk account.
PasswordText FieldNoPassword for authentication.
API tokenText FieldNoAPI token for authentication.


Integration NameText FieldYesIntegration identification name.
EnabledRadio buttonYesEnables or disables the integration status.
API URLText FieldYesFreshdesk API endpoint.
User/API keyText FieldYesUsername or API key for authentication.
API TokenText FieldNoAPI token for authentication.


Integration NameText FieldYesIntegration identification name.
EnabledRadio buttonYesEnables or disables the integration status.
API URLText FieldYesServiceNow API endpoint.
UserText FieldYesUsername for authentication.
PasswordText FieldNoPassword for authentication.

CA Service Desk Manager

General information

  • The Request Method determines which integration method to use: Rest API or SQL Server.
  • Common fields: Username and Password
  • Conditional fields for the Rest API: API URLmethod.
  • Conditional fields for the SQL Server method: DB Host, DB Name, DB Instance, and DB Host Port.
Integration NameText FieldYesIntegration identifier name.
EnabledRadio buttonYesEnables or disables the integration status.
Request MethodRadio buttonYesRequest method. The options are Rest API or SQL Server.
UserText FieldNoUsername for authentication.
PasswordRadio buttonNoPassword for authentication.
DB HostText FieldNoAddress of the database server.
DB NameText fieldNoName of the database.
DB InstanceText FieldNoInstance of the database.
DB HostText fieldNoPort of the database server.
API URLText FieldNoCA Service Desk Manager API endpoint.


Integration NameText FieldYesIntegration identifier name.
EnabledRadio buttonYesEnables or disables the integration status.
API URLText FieldYesGLPi system API address.
UserText FieldYesUsername or API key for authentication.
Application tokenText FieldYesApplication token for authentication.
PasswordText fieldNoPassword for authentication.

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