Group synchronization
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Group synchronization

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Article summary

This document provides information about the AD/LDAP group synchronization report screen that displays information about the synchronization of LDAP/AD groups.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Provisioning > Active directory > Group synchronization.

Actions menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options for Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search fields


To view all search fields, click More.

NameText fieldFilters by the name of the LDAP/AD group.
ServerText fieldFilters by the LDAP/AD server name.
DNText fieldIn this context, DN refers to Distinguished Name. A DN is a string that uniquely identifies an object in the Active Directory file structure by specifying the object's full path, including the object's name and location in the directory's hierarchical structure. Enter the string required to identify the group you are looking for.
Active synchronizationDropdown menuFilters by the synchronization status. Choose All to not apply any filter; Yes to filter the records with synchronization active and No to filter the records that do not have synchronization active.
EnabledDropdown menuFilters the registers by their activation state. The options are Yes and No. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Name.
  • Server.
  • DN.
  • Department.
  • Last synchronization: indicates when the last successful synchronization occurred.
  • Synchronization error: indicates when the last synchronization error occurred.
  • Active synchronization
  • Enabled.
  • Actions:
  • Edit group: opens the LDAP/AD Groups window in edit mode.
  • Users: opens the Synchronized users form.
  • Synchronization log: opens the AD/LDAP group synchronization logs form.
  • Synchronization test: opens the LDAP/AD group synchronization simulation form to test the group synchronization.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.


When selecting the New Group option, accessed through Actions > New group, or the Edit group option, accessed through Actions > Edit group, the LDAP/AD group window will appear. This window contains the following fields.

Settings section

NameText fieldYesFill in the group name.
ServerDropdown menuYesChoose the server where the search will be performed.
User GroupDropdown menuYesChoose the user group that the current group will belong to. Note: this field is responsible for defining the groups defined for the synchronized users.
EnabledToggle buttonNoChoose the status of the group at the time of creation.
SynchronizationToggle buttonNoChoose the possibility of the group having automatic synchronization.
DNText fieldYesFill in the base DN.
AD username attributeText fieldYesFill in the attributes associated with the username.
AD name attributeDropdown menuNoBinds the user's real name to the user's field in Active Directory.
DepartmentDropdown menuNoChoose the user's department.
AD queryText fieldNoFill in the group search parameters.

Roles section

AddButtonOpens the Roles modal.
ROLEText fieldName of the chosen role.
BUILT-INText fieldIndicates whether the role is one of the defaults provided by the senhasegura or if it is a custom role, created by a user.
DESCRIPTIONText fieldDescription of the chosen role.

Domum section

Enable synchronizationToggle buttonChoose whether to enable synchronization with senhasegura Domum.
TypeToggle buttonChoose which type of senhasegura Domum user will be allowed in the group.
Vendor/Internal GroupDropdown menuChoosing the group in senhasegura Domum to which the LDAP/AD group will belong.

Review section

The review session allows the user to check the LDAP/AD group information before finalizing the action. To save, click Save.

LDAP/AD group synchronization simulation

DNText fieldYesEnter the base DN parameter that will be tested for synchronization.
Raw ViewToggle buttonNoDefine if the response will be sent in plain text (raw).
User filterText fieldYesEnter the user filter parameter

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