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Article summary

This document provides information about the Servers report screen that displays information about the LDAP/AD provisioning servers.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Provisioning > Active directory > Servers.

Actions menu

NewButtonDirects to the LDAP server window to register a new LDAP server in senhasegura.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options for Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search fields

HostText fieldFilters by the host address (can be IP address or hostname) in senhasegura.
EnabledDropdown menuFilters the registers by their activation state. The options are Yes and No. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • ID: displays the server's registration code within senhasegura.
  • Host: displays the address or name of the server host.
  • Port: displays the port where the LDAP/AD server is listening.
  • Username: displays the user's username for connection to the server.
  • DN Base: displays the server DN Base parameters.
  • Account canonical form: displays the values of the Account Form. The values will be as follows:
    • 1 - DN.
    • 2 - Username.
    • 3 - Backslash.
    • 4 - Main.
  • Account filter format: displays the filter expression used to specify search criteria for finding user accounts or other objects in the directory. For example: (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=johndoe)).
  • Use SSL: displays whether the server uses SSL.
  • Bind requires DN: displays whether the server requires DN for the Bind process.
  • Account domain name: displays the name of the domain in which the server is registered.
  • Account domain name short: also known as NetBIOS Domain Name, is the shortened version of the domain name in a network environment that uses directory services. This field displays the short name used to log in to the Windows network. For example: SENHASEGURA.
  • Order: order of servers that will be used in authentication
  • Enabled: displays whether the server is active or not.
  • Actions:
  • Edit: opens the Servers window in edit mode.
  • Test authentication: opens the LDAP authentication test window.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Servers screen

Domain, device and credential section

DomainDropdown menuYesDomain registered in senhasegura.
Credential for authenticationDropdown menuYesCredential that will be used for authentication on the LDAP server.
AddButtonNot applicableOpens the Domain modal for inserting the domain and short name.

LDAP section

HostText fieldYesIP or Host of the LDAP server.
PortText fieldYesPort where the LDAP server will listen.
DN BaseText fieldYesServer DN Base.
Account formDropdown menuYesAccount form.
EnabledToggle buttonYesIndicates the status of the server in senhasegura. It can be Yes or No.
Member is DN?Toggle buttonYesIndicates whether the member will be identified by the DN.
Bind requires DN?Toggle buttonYesIndicates whether the Bind process will require the use of the DN.
Use SSL?Toggle buttonYesIndicates the use of SSL. By default, it comes as No.
Network ConnectorDropdown menuNoIndicates the connector that will be used with the LDAP/AD server.
Account filter formatText fieldNoAccount filter format.
Use credential domain?Toggle buttonYesIndicates whether the server should use a domain credential.
Username AttributeText fieldNoIndicates the unique username of the account
DN Bind (leave blank to use DN Base)Text fieldNoIndicates whether the DN will be used as a unique identifier.
GroupText fieldNoGroup name
Group DNText fieldNoIndicates the DN of the group in question.
Group Attribute (GroupAttr)Text fieldNoIndicates the attributes of this group in question.
Group scopeText fieldNoIndicates the scope of this group in question.
Group filterText fieldNoIndicates a filter expression to be used in the group in question.
Member attribute (MemberAttr)Text fieldNoIndicates which member attributes are required for the group in question.

Synchronization groups section

Synchronization groupsDropdown menuNoSelects the user group that will be synchronized.
NewButtonNoOpens the LDAP/AD Group modal.
AddButtonNoAdds the group to the list of synchronization groups.
SearchSearch fieldNoSearch for an LDAP/AD user group within the list of synchronization groups.
CheckboxCheckboxNoSelects the records that are being displayed on the screen.
NameText fieldNoGroup name
AD QUERYText fieldNo
USER GROUPText fieldNo
ROLESText fieldNo

LDAP/AD Group modal

Settings section

NameText fieldYesGroup name.
ServerDropdown menuNoChoose the server where the search will be performed.
User GroupDropdown menuNoChoose the user group that the current group will belong to. Note: this field is responsible for defining the groups defined for the synchronized users.
EnabledToggle buttonNoChoose the status of the group at the time of creation.
SynchronizationToggle buttonNoIndicates the possibility of the group having automatic synchronization.
DNText fieldNoFill in the base DN.
AD username attributeText fieldNoAttributes associated with the username.
AD name attributeDropdown menuNoBinding the user's real name to the user's field in Active Directory.
DepartmentDropdown menuNoChoose the user's department.
AD queryText fieldNoFill in the group search parameters.

Roles section

AddButtonNoOpens the Roles modal.
ROLEText fieldNoName of the chosen role.
BUILT-INText fieldNoIndicates whether the role is one of the defaults provided by the senhasegura or if it is a custom role, created by a user.
DESCRIPTIONText fieldNoDescription of the chosen role.

Domum section

Enable synchronizationToggle buttonNoChoose whether to enable synchronization with senhasegura Domum.
TypeRadio buttonNoChoose which type of senhasegura Domum user will be allowed in the group.
Vendors/Internal GroupDropdown menuNoChoosing the group in senhasegura Domum to which the LDAP/AD group will belong.

Review section

The review session allows you to check the new group's information before proceeding. To save, click Save.

LDAP authentication test

ServerLabelNot applicableIndicates the name and port of the LDAP server being tested for authentication.
Base DNText fieldYesBase DN registered on the server.
UserText fieldYesUsername that will be used in the authentication test.
PasswordText fieldYesPassword of the user that will be used in the authentication test.

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