API secrets
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API secrets

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Article summary

The MySafe API secrets feature enables users to securely store sensitive API information, such as Client Secret and Client ID, for both personal and team corporate use.


Add, edit, view, share, disable, and enable your API secrets.


  • Protect your personal and team corporate API information.
  • Securely share your API secrets with other MySafe users and external users.

Use case

Integrating a system with an external API
Primary actor: Charles (Developer at a technology company.)
Summary: this use case demonstrates how Charles can securely store, share, and protect API secrets when integrating an internal system with an external API using MySafe.

Basic flow:

  1. Storing the API secret

    1. Charles receives an API secret to integrate an internal system with an external API that provides critical data for the company's operations.
    2. He uses MySafe to securely store the key, categorizing it as "Integration with external API."
  2. Secure access

    1. To configure the internal system, Charles uses the API secret stored in MySafe without exposing it directly, minimizing the risk of credential leaks.
  3. Controlled sharing

    1. Charles's colleague Ana needs access to an API secret to perform system maintenance.
    2. Charles uses MySafe's sharing functionality to grant Ana temporary view access to the secret.
    3. After Ana completes the maintenance, Charles revokes the access and edits the secret as needed, ensuring Ana no longer has access to the information.


  • Security and confidentiality: Charles ensures that API secrets are protected and accessible only to authorized individuals.
  • Automation and efficiency: the MySafe API secrets feature helps Charles automate system integration securely, reducing the risk of human error.
  • Accessibility and mobility: through MySafe, Charles can access API secrets from anywhere, at any time, ensuring agility in his tasks.

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