Home screen
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Home screen

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Article summary

This document provides information about the home screen of the MySafe extension.

Path to access

  1. Click the MySafe extension on the browser toolbar.


Top bar

Web vaultButtonDirects to the web version of MySafe.
Search in vaultSearch barSearches for passwords and notes stored in MySafe based on the entered keywords.
ReturnButtonClears the search bar.

Stored items

PasswordsListDisplays passwords stored in MySafe. The number on the right indicates the total number of stored passwords.
Note: if the extension is open on a browser tab with saved passwords, it’ll open in the Current tab mode and display only the passwords associated with the specific site. To view all passwords in the list, click MySafe in the bottom menu or open the extension in another browser tab.
Hide/Show passwordsButtonHides or shows the password list.
NotesListDisplays notes stored in MySafe. The number on the right indicates the total number of stored notes.
Hide/Show notesButtonHides or shows the notes list.

Bottom menu

MySafeButtonOpens the extension home screen.
Add itemButtonOpens the Add password screen.
Current tabButtonDisplays passwords associated with the website currently being accessed.
SettingsButtonOpens the Settings screen.
LogoutButtonOpens a confirmation pop-up for exiting the extension, with Yes or No options.

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