How to manage notes using the MySafe extension
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How to manage notes using the MySafe extension

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Article summary

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to manage your notes stored in MySafe using the extension.


  • An active note.
  • It is not possible to add a note to MySafe through the extension. More information on how to add notes to MySafe in How to manage notes on MySafe web.

View note details

To view the details of a note stored in MySafe using the extension, follow these steps:

  1. In the bottom menu of the , click MySafe.
  2. In the notes list, click the desired note card to expand it.
  3. View details such as Name and Tags.
  4. To view the note's content, click on Copy note.
  5. The note will be copied to your clipboard. Paste it in a secure place.
  6. Click the expanded card to collapse it back to its compact format.

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