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Article summary

This document provides information about the Password details card of the MySafe extension and the Add password and Edit password screens.

The Passwords section of the MySafe extension's home screen shows a list of passwords stored by the user or shared with them. Each password is represented by its own card. By default, the cards are shown in a compact format. Clicking the password name expands the card to show more detailed information about the password and provides options to perform actions such as editing, copying, and disabling.


Path to access

  1. Click the MySafe extension in the browser's toolbar.
  2. In the bottom menu, click MySafe.
  3. Under Passwords, click the desired password.

Compact password card

The following table displays the information and actions available for the password card in its compact format.

NameTextPassword identification name.
Go to URLButtonDirects to the website where the password is registered.
Fill credentialsButtonSearches for login fields on the current site and fills them with the selected password's details. If login fields cannot be identified, the error message “Could not fill login fields” is displayed.
Copy passwordButtonCopies the password to the clipboard.

Expanded password card

The following table displays the information and actions available for the password card in its expanded format.

URLTextWebsite address where the password is used.
UsernameTextUsername associated with the password.
TagsTextKeywords associated with the password.
TOTPTextTemporary token linked to the password, used as an additional factor in multi-factor authentication (MFA). A timer icon shows the countdown for generating a new TOTP, which occurs automatically every 30 seconds.
Note: available if a secret key was configured during the password's creation or editing.
Copy usernameButtonCopies the username associated with the password to the clipboard.
Copy passwordButtonCopies the password to the clipboard.
Copy TOTPButtonCopies the generated token to the clipboard.
Note: available if a secret key was provided when adding or editing the password.
Edit passwordButtonOpens the Edit Password screen.
Note: available if the user has permission to edit the password.
DisableButtonOpens a pop-up confirmation to disable the password, with the Yes or No options.

Add/Edit password screens

The Add Password and Edit Password screens share the same fields.

Path to access the Add password screen

  1. Click the MySafe extension in the browser's toolbar.
  2. In the bottom menu, click Add item.

Path to access the Edit password screen

  1. Click the MySafe extension in the browser's toolbar.
  2. In the bottom menu, click MySafe.
  3. Under Passwords, click the desired password card and select Edit.

Name*Text fieldYesPassword identification name.
URL*Text fieldYesWebsite address where the password will be used.
Note: this field is automatically filled in with the address of the website accessed during password creation.
Username*Text fieldYesUsername associated with the password.
Password*Text fieldYesThe password being created or edited.
ShowButtonNoShows or hides the entered password.
GenerateButtonNoAutomatically generates a password based on defined criteria.
ConfigureButtonNoSets the following password criteria: Length, Numbers, Symbols, Uppercase, and Lowercase letters.
Password strengthProgress barNoIndicates the password's strength.
- Very strong password: four green bars.
- Strong password: three green bars.
- Medium password: two yellow bars.
- Weak password: one red bar.
SecretText fieldNoSecret key used to generate a temporary token (TOTP - Time-based One-Time Password) for accounts with multi-factor authentication.
Note: the secret key must be at least 10 characters long and include uppercase letters A-Z and numbers 2-7.
Show/HideButtonNoShows or hides the secret key.
QR codeButtonNoScans the secret key generated from a QR code.
TagsText fieldNoKeywords to categorize the password.
NoteText fieldNoGeneral information about the password.

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