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Article summary

The MySafe Notes feature allows users to store their personal and team corporate notes in a secure and auditable environment.


Add, edit, view, share, disable, enable, and track the version history of your notes.


  • Protect your personal and team corporate notes.
  • Securely share your notes with other MySafe users and external users.
  • Gain visibility into your notes and the changes made to them.
  • Integrate your MySafe vault with the MySafe extension and the senhasegura mobile app for easy access to your notes.

Use case

Client follow-up meeting
Primary actor: Maria (account manager at a strategic management consulting firm)
Summary: this use case demonstrates how Maria can record, share, and protect relevant client information during a follow-up meeting using MySafe.

Basic flow:

  1. Meeting preparation
    1. Before the meeting with the client, Maria uses the MySafe Notes feature to record key points to be discussed, such as project progress, next steps, and any pending issues. She includes confidential information such as budgets and detailed schedules.
    2. Maria shares her notes internally with Peter, the intern who will attend the meeting.
  2. Secure sharing
    1. During the meeting, Maria decides to share some information with the client.
    2. She uses MySafe's single-sharing feature to ensure that only the client has access to the specific note.
  3. Detailed follow-up
    1. After the meeting, Maria edits the note in MySafe, adding the points discussed, decisions made, and next steps.
    2. She uses the History feature to track changes and ensure the traceability of information.
  4. Remote access
    1. Maria needs to consult the meeting notes during a business trip.
    2. She accesses MySafe Notes through the senhasegura mobile app, gaining quick and secure access to the information.
  5. Security and compliance
    1. All of Maria's actions, such as creating, editing, sharing, and accessing notes, are logged and auditable, ensuring the security of the client's confidential information and compliance with company policies.


  • Security and confidentiality: Maria ensures that the client’s confidential information is protected and accessible only by authorized individuals.
  • Organization and collaboration: MySafe Notes helps Maria organize meeting information, collaborate securely with the client, and maintain an accurate record of decisions and next steps.
  • Accessibility and mobility: Maria can quickly and securely access her notes from anywhere, at any time, using the mobile app.
  • Compliance and auditing: MySafe Notes ensures the traceability of information and facilitates auditing, demonstrating compliance with the company’s security policies.

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