New remote access - Internal user
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New remote access - Internal user

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Article summary

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Request access > Internal users, and click Add.

Settings tab

Group *Dropdown menuYesSelects the group.
User *Dropdown menuYesSelects the user.

Request details section

Justification *Text fieldYesEnter a justification for the access.
Reason *Dropdown menuYesSelect the reason for the access. The options are: Change, Incident, and Remote work force.
Governance CodeText fieldNoEnter the governance code.

Devices tab

Add / Remove selectedButtonNoAdd or remove the selected devices.
Devices tableTableNoThe fields are: ID, Device, Product, Device type, Site, and Domain.
IDText fieldNoID of the device.
DeviceText fieldNoDevice to have access.
ProductText fieldNoProduct of that device.
Device typeText fieldNoType of the device.
SiteText fieldNoSite of the device.
DomainText fieldNoDomain of the device.

Credentials tab

Add / Remove selectedButtonNoAdd or remove the selected credentials.
Credentials tableTableNoThe fields are: ID, Credential type, Username, Device, Domain, Start session, and View password.
Credential typeText fieldNoType of the credential.
UsernameText fieldNoUsername assigned to the credential.
DeviceText fieldNoDevice assigned to the credential.
DomainText fieldNoDomain of the credential.
Start sessionCheckboxNoCheckbox to allow the credential to start a session.
View passwordCheckboxNoCheckbox to allow the credential to view passwords.

Access limitation tab

Access permission period section

StartDate picker and Time pickerSelects the time and date when the access is allowed.
DurationText fieldType of the credential.

Access permission days section

All daysToggle button and checkboxNoIf enabled, the user must request approval every day. If disabled, select the days of the week on which group members must request approval.

Access permission times section

All TimesToggle buttonNoEnables or disables the period of time in which the user will have to request approval.
Custom PeriodToggle button and time pickerNoEnables or disables a specific time range within which the user must request approval. When enabled, two-time pickers are enabled so that the beginning and end of the period can be stipulated.


UnlimitedCheckboxSelects if the amount of sessions is limited.
Maximum quantityQuantity inputIf the Unlimited checkbox is not ticked, select the maximum quantity of sessions allowed.


Use the Review tab to check all the information entered in the previous tabs.

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