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Article summary

This document provides information about the Notes screen of MySafe in the senhasegura mobile app.

Path to access

  1. On the Products screen of the senhasegura mobile app, select MySafe .
  2. In the top bar, in the left corner, click on the side menu and select Notes.

Top bar

Side menuDropdown menuDisplays the user profile picture, username, email, and the options Home, Passwords, Notes, and Log out.
SearchButtonOpens a text field to search for items saved in MySafe .
Products menuDropdown menuOpens the [Products] screen.

Compact note card

The following table describes the icons and information displayed in the compact version of the note card.

NameTextNote identification name.
View noteTextDisplays the note content and the Back and Copy buttons.
Edit noteButtonOpens the [Edit note] screen.

Expanded note card

The following table describes the icons and information displayed in the expanded version of the note card.

TagsTextKeywords associated with the note.

Add new note/Edit note screens

The Add new note and Edit note screens share the same fields.

Path to access the Add new note screen

  1. In the Notes section of the MySafe app screen, click Add in the bottom-right corner.

Path to access the Edit note screen

  1. In the Notes section of the MySafe app screen, identify the note you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit.
CancelButtonNoCancels the action and returns to the Notes screen.
SaveButtonNoSaves the note.
Name*Text fieldYesNote identification name.
Note*Text fieldYesNote content.
TagsText fieldNoKeywords to categorize the note.

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