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Article summary

This document provides information about the Global Notifications report, which displays information about the senhasegura's global notifications and allows managing notifications.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Notifications > Global notifications.

Actions menu

NewButtonDirects to the New Notification window.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options for Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search fields

NameText fieldFilters according to the name of the notification.
Added onDate pickerFilters according to the indicated period.
Added byText fieldFilters according to the user who added the notification.
EnabledDropdown menuFilters the registers by their activation state. The options are Yes and No. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • ID: notification code in senhasegura.
  • Name
  • Changed in: date of amendment of the notification. It's displayed in the format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM.
  • Changed by: Displays the name of the user who last changed the notification.
  • Added on: date when the notification was added to senhasegura. It's displayed in the format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM.
  • Added by
  • Enabled
  • Actions
    • Edit: opens the New Notification window in edit mode.
    • Disable: disables a setting if it is active.
    • Enable: activates a setting if it is inactive.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

New Notification

General section

Notification NameText fieldYesText field for registration of the name of the notification.
E-mailToggle buttonNoEnables sending email notifications.
ScreenToggle buttonNoEnables sending screen notifications.
SMSToggle buttonNoEnables sending SMS notifications.
Send notifications only to contacts who have access to credentials or devicesToggle buttonNoSelect to receive notifications only from the user's access group credentials/devices.

Notification section

SearchSearch fieldPerforms the search in the notification records.
CheckboxCheckboxSelects all records displayed on the screen.
AddButtonOpens a modal for selecting the notifications registered in senhasegura.
IDText fieldNotification code in senhasegura.
NAMEText fieldNotification name in senhasegura.
CATEGORYText fieldName of the category to which the notification belongs.
ADDED ONText fieldDate when the notification was added.
ADDED BYText fieldName of the user who added the notification.

Notifications Modal

IDText fieldNotification code in senhasegura.
NameText fieldNotification type name as registered in senhasegura.
CategoryText fieldNotification category.

Contacts section

AddButtonDirects to the Contacts modal for selecting users who will be the contact for the notification.
Contacts tableTableData for each contact, containing checkbox, ID, Name, Username, E-mail, and Department fields.

Contacts table

IDText fieldUser's code in senhasegura
NAMEText fieldUser's name in senhasegura
USERNAMEText fieldUser's username in senhasegura
E-MAILText fieldUser's email address.
DEPARTMENTText fieldUser's department in senhasegura

Review section

The review session allows the user to check the new user's registration information before performing the action. To save, click Save.

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