Application settings
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Application settings

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Application settings form.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Product Menu and select Orbit Server Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > Application.

Actions menu

EditButtonDirects to the Application settings screen.

Application settings

Application information section

Application titleName assigned to the application.
Application StatusCurrent status of the application.
Company NameName of the company associated.
Virtual IP AddressVirtual IP address configuration status.
Application URLURL to access the application.
Notification e-mailEmail address for notifications.

Zabbix configuration section

Listen IPIP address where Zabbix listens for connections.
Listen portPort number for Zabbix communication.

Syslog Configuration

Message formatConfiguration of message formatting for Syslog.
ProtocolCommunication protocol used (UDP).

Application settings


Enable applicationToggle buttonNoDefines whether the application will be enabled or disabled.
Company nameText fieldNoThe name of the company associated with the application.
Application titleText fieldNoThe name or title of the application configured in the system.
Application URLText fieldNoThe URL used to access the application.
IP virtual (VIP)Text fieldNoThe virtual IP address is configured for the application.
Notification e-mailText fieldNoThe email address that is configured to send system notifications.


Use TLSToggle buttonNoDefines if TLS will be enabled for the connection with the Zabbix server.

senhasegura interface address

Listen IPText fieldNoThe IP address used by the Zabbix server to listen for connections.
Listen PortText fieldNoThe port is used for communication with the Zabbix server.

Zabbix server

AddButtonN/AAdds a new empty entry to the list.
IPText fieldNoThe IP address of the configured Zabbix server.
PortText fieldNoThe port for connection to the Zabbix server.


Message formatDropdown menuNoDefines the format of messages sent by Syslog.
Notification pluginText fieldNoThe plugin is used for sending notifications.
Message sending protocolRadio buttonNoThe protocol used for sending messages.
Use Network Connector?Toggle buttonNoDefines if the Network Connector will be used for sending messages.
Network ConnectorDropdown menuNoSelect the Network Connector if enabled.

Servers for message sending

AddButtonN/AAdds a new empty entry to the list.
IPText fieldNoThe IP address of the server used for sending messages.
PortText fieldNoThe port for connection with the server.

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