Replication settings
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Replication settings

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Replication Settings form.

Path to Access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Product Menu and select Orbit Server Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > Replication > Settings.

Replication Settings


If replication is not enabled, please enable it to proceed.

Operation modeToggle buttonYesDefines the replication operation mode.
Enable replicationToggle buttonNoDefines whether replication will be enabled.
SynchronizersToggle buttonNoDefines whether synchronizers are enabled.
Sync Timeout (seconds)Quantity inputYesMaximum time in seconds for member synchronization.

Cluster members

Primary memberText fieldYesDefines the primary member of the cluster.
Additional membersText fieldNoList of additional members in the cluster.
Arbiter memberText fieldNoDefines the arbiter member responsible for tie-breaking.

Advanced Replication Settings

Members are in different datacentersToggle buttonNoIndicates whether the cluster members are distributed across different datacenters.
Latency between nodesDropdown menuYesSelect the latency between members. The options are Low (0-10ms), Medium (10-30ms), or High (>30ms).
Network segmentText fieldNoDefines the network segment for nodes in the same datacenters.
Recovery screen display messageText fieldNoCustom message displayed on the recovery screen.

After configuring replication, it will be necessary to restart the database service on your senhasegura instance.

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