Server settings
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Server settings

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Server Settings form.

Path to Access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Product Menu and select Orbit Server Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Server > Settings.

Actions menu

EditButtonDirects to the Server Settings screen in edit mode.


Server settings

HostnameText fieldConfigured server hostname.
TimezoneText fieldServer-defined time zone.
LanguageText fieldDefault language configured on the server.

DNS Settings

Primary serverText fieldIP address of the configured primary DNS server.
Secondary serverText fieldThe IP address of the configured secondary DNS server.
Tertiary serverText fieldThe IP address of the tertiary DNS server, if set.
Domain informationText fieldDomain name associated with the server.
Search informationText fieldConfigured DNS search parameters.

NTP settings

Primary serverText fieldAddress of the primary NTP server, if configured.
Secondary serverText fieldAddress of the secondary NTP server, if configured.

SNMP settings

ServerText fieldSNMP server address, if configured.
Allowed IPsText fieldList of IPs authorized for SNMP, if configured.
CommunityText fieldSNMP community configured for the server.

Clicking Edit directs to the Server Settings window in edit mode, where server settings can be modified.

Settings Tab


HostnameText fieldNoConfigured server hostname.
TimezoneDropdown menuYesServer-defined time zone.
LanguageDropdown menuYesDefault language configured on the server.

NTP settings

Primary serverText fieldNoAddress of the primary NTP server.
Secondary serverText fieldNoAddress of the secondary NTP server.

SNMP settings

ServerText fieldNoSNMP server address.
Allowed IPsText fieldNoList of IPs authorized for SNMP.
CommunityText fieldNoSNMP community configured for the server.

DNS Settings Tab

Primary serverText fieldNoIP address of the configured primary DNS server.
Secondary serverText fieldNoThe IP address of the configured secondary DNS server.
Tertiary serverText fieldNoThe IP address of the tertiary DNS server, if set.
Domain informationText fieldNoDomain name associated with the server.
Search informationText fieldNoConfigured DNS search parameters.
AddButtonN/AAdds an empty entry at the end of the list.
Search nameText fieldNoSearch name associated with DNS configuration.

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