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Article summary

This document provides information about the Sent Email report, which presents the messages received by a particular SMTP account.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Email > Outbox.

Actions Menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options for Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search fields


To view all search fields, click More.

IDText fieldFilters by the identification code of the notification in senhasegura.
SubjectText fieldFilters by subject of the notification email.
To (Name/Email)Text fieldFilters by the name or email address of the notification recipient.
From (Name/Email)Text fieldFilters by the name or email address of the notification sender.
Created byText fieldFilters by the name of the user who created the notification.
PeriodDate pickerFilters by the selected period.
AccountDropdown menuFilters by the notification sending email account. Note: only the email accounts previously registered in senhasegura will appear.
StatusDropdown menuFilters by the email account status in senhasegura. The options are Waiting, Sent, Cancelled, Resent, Sending, Error sending or Paused.
OpeningCheckboxSelect to filter by the emails that had read confirmation.
ReturnedCheckboxSelect to filter by the emails that were returned.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Subject.
  • To.
  • From.
  • Account.
  • Type.
  • Date/Time.
  • Status.
  • MTA Message:
  • Created by.
  • Opening.
  • Resending:
  • Priority:
  • Actions:
    • Read mail: opens the E-mail window with the information of the email that was sent.
    • Resend mail: opens the Resend mail window, where you can configure the resending of the notification email.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Read mail

SubjectText fieldSubject of the notification email sent.
SenderText fieldNotification sender's email address.
RecipientsText fieldNotification recipients' email address.

Information section

IDText fieldNotification code in senhasegura.
AccountText fieldName of the account that sent the notification.
Date SubmissionText fieldDate when the notification was sent. It is displayed in the format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
Reply-toText fieldHeader that indicates to which email address replies should be sent, if different from the sender's address.
StatusText fieldNotification email status. The options are Waiting, Sent, Cancelled, Resent, Sending running, Error sending , or Paused.
Return-pathText fieldHeader that indicates to which email address error messages should be sent if the email fails to be delivered.
StatusText fieldstatus of the e-mail.
BatchText fieldIndicates whether the email is part of a batch send.
  • The HTML Body tab displays the body of the email in HTML format.
  • The Body Text tab displays the body of the message in flat text format.

Resend mail

Sender nameText fieldYesName of the sender of the notification email.
Sender emailText fieldYesNotification sender's email address.
Recipient nameText fieldYesName of the recipient of the notification email.
Receiver e-mailText fieldYesNotification recipient's email address.

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