Credentials custody
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Credentials custody

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Credentials custody dashboard screen, which allows you to view information about credentials and their custody.


The dashboard can only be accessed by users who have administrator or system auditor permissions.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Dashboard > Credentials custody.


CredentialsDisplays the number of credentials registered in senhasegura.
In useDisplays the number of credentials being used in senhasegura.
ManagedDisplays the number of credentials in custody that are manageable.
ExpiredDisplays the number of credentials in custody that have already expired.
UpdatedDisplays the number of credentials that have been updated.
InformationDisplays the number of credentials in custody that have additional information.


ViewsDisplays the 45-day period of consultations carried out, with the quantity per day.
ViewsDisplays the 12-month period of consultations carried out, with the quantity per month.


Most used credentials

List of the credentials most used by users.

DeviceDisplays the device that initiated access.
CredentialDisplays the credentials used by the user to access.
Last viewDisplays the date and time of the last consultation.
TotalDisplays the number of views made by the user.

Latest views

List of the last password views performed.

UserDisplays the name of the user who performed the query.
DeviceDisplays the device on which the query was performed.
CredentialDisplays the device-related credential.
Last viewDisplays the date and time of the last consultation.

Credentials under custody

List of credentials that are in the custody of a senhasegura user.

IDDisplays the identification code within senhasegura.
UserDisplays the name of the user who has custody.
Credential typeDisplays the type of credential used.
DeviceDisplays the device related to the credential.
CredentialDisplays the credential that is in custody.
Additional informationDisplays extra information about credential custody.
Last changeDisplays the date and time of the last exchange.
Expiration dateCustody expiration date and time.
Last viewDisplays the date and time of the last consultation.
Begin of consultationCredential password query start date and time.
DurationDuration of custody.
Magnify glassOpen the Access details screen.

Access Details screen

UserDisplays the user's name, email and IP address.
CredentialDisplays the username, IP address, protocol type and port used by the credential.
ViewDisplays the details of the session accessed by the user. The data is the IP address of the accessing machine, the duration of the session and the device accessed with the IP address, protocol and port.
Latest view eventsDisplays data from the last consultations carried out on the credential.

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