How to configure a device
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How to configure a device

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Article summary

For the proper functioning of the solution, a correct registration of the devices is essential. Discrepancies can affect the behavior of the software.

You have two ways to access the Devices configuration area. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Add new: in the toolbar, ath the top of the senhasegura platform, click Add new and select Device.
  2. Porducts Menu: in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Devices.

In case you select the second way, you'll need to select Devices on the side menu. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Select, on the side menu, Devices to load the list of devices.
  2. In the bottom-right corner, click on + Add.

A screen will show the Device form with the data to be filled in to register a new device in the senhasegura platform.

How to configure devices

Fill in the following data to configure a new device:

Information's tab

  1. Device name: fill in with a name for internal use.
  2. IP, hostname, or URL: fill in the address to which the device is registered and accessible.
  3. Device type: select desired type.
  4. Vendor: select relevant vendor.
  5. Product: select device model.
  6. Site: select the division/local this device belong to.
  7. Tags: fill in the desired tags.

In the Domain session, select the desired domain.


The fields Device type, Vendor, Product, and Site can be registered directly on the device enrollment screen if the entered value doesn't exist.

All device registration, modification, and inactivation operations are sent via Syslog.


Changes and deactivations may affect access to devices and credentials.

Connectivity's tab

  1. Network connector: select the required network connector.
  2. Connectivity: select the type of connection (HTTP, Telnet, VNC, etc.).
  3. Port: fill in the port for communication.

Connectivity tests are performed via TCP socket. It's possible to configure the platform to use the device with two applications and the same protocol, but you must configure different ports.


When the default port is modified, the change is reflected only on the specific device being edited.

Additional settings' tab

  1. Criticality: select the degree of criticality (High, Medium, or Low).
  2. Remote session configuration: add regular expressions to handle custom authentications.
  3. Click the Continue button, and Save.

It's recommended to use protocols with encryption support if possible.


Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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