Device registration
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Device registration

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Device form screen, where it is possible to add new devices to be accessed in remote sessions.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Devices > All devices.
  3. On the report screen Devices, click on Actions > Add.

Information tab

This section provides information about the device’s general information.

Device name (Hostname, IP, url ou website name, application name...)*Text fieldYesThe device name is how this device is referenced in senhasegura, such as in device groups.
IP, Hostname or management URL*Text fieldYesA network address, hostname, or IP address for senhasegura to connect to this device.
Device type*Dropdown menuYesDefines the device type.
Vendor*Dropdown menuYesDefines the manufacturer related to the device.
Product*Dropdown menuYesThe chosen supplier's product. Also used for web session parameters.
Site*Dropdown menuYesDefines the division the device is listed in.
TagsText fieldNoWords that characterize the device.
DomainDropdown menuNoDefines the domain that the device will be related to.

Connectivity tab

This section provides information about the device’s connectivity tab

Enable remote application usagetoggle buttonNoDefines whether app usage will be enabled for the device. The options are Yes and No.
Network ConnectorDropdown menuNoThe network connector of the senhasegura Network Connector product that you want to use to connect to this device.
Add/Remove selectedButtonNoAdds a row to the table.
ConnectivityTableNoThe connection protocol that will be used to start a proxy session, change password, and to connect to other modules, the fields are: Connectivity, Port and Connectivity Test.

Additional Settings tab

This section provides information about other configurations that can be made on the devices.

CriticalityDropdown menuNoIndicates a change in user behavior. The options are: Low, Average and High.

Login expressions section

This section regular expressions can be passed to be used by the senhasegura platform to authenticate devices when using command-line protocols

Add/Remove selectedButtonNoAdds a row to the table.
ConnectivityDropdown menuNoType of connection to be made.
Expected expressionText fieldNoRegular expression required for login.
Fill valueText fieldNoWhen in Telnet sessions, senhasegura isn’t able to automatically fill in username and password but with this option, it’s possible to pass these parameters.

Review tab

This section contains the information that was added in the previous steps so that it can be analyzed and, if any changes are needed, made before finalizing the registration.

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