How to manage devices without credentials
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How to manage devices without credentials

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Article summary

All Devices go through a verification flow. In this session, you'll know how to check all devices that are without credentials attached and manage them.

How to list devices without credentials

To check the devices without credentials, follow the steps below:

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Devices.
  2. In the side menu, select Devices without credentials.
  3. A list of all devices with no credentials attached will be displayed.

By default, the initial listing will show all the devices without credentials that you have registered. To filter the devices, you must use the filter bar above the listing page.

Each device will be shown along with a series of information organized in columns, as shown in the table below:

IDDevice code.
NameName filled in by the user.
ManagementIP, hostname, or URL responsible for managing the device.
TypeType of device registered.
VendorManufacturer of the device chosen by the user.
ModelThe model selected by the user.
ProductThe locality where the device is accessed.
SiteThe location to access the device.
ConnectivityDevice status for connections.
DomainsDomains registered by the user.
TagsDevice identification tags.
EnabledDevice status.

Actions for devices without credentials

You can perform two types of actions for Devices without credentials:

In the Actions column, select one of two possible actions:


Clones the device, copying all the settings of the device being cloned. When you select this option, a pop-up window will appear indicating that your action was correctly performed.


The new device belongs to the Devices without credential category as well. So, it'll be listed just below the original device with the suffix (Copy XX), where XX is a number.


Inactivates the selected device. By selecting this option, the device will no longer be listed on the page with the other Devices without credential. To view this device, you must filter the view to show devices that are inactive.


You can also edit the Devices without credential. To do this, click the Change icon, identified by the paper and pencil symbol. This action will open the Device Registration form. To learn how to enroll or modify a device, access the documentation on how to configure devices.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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