About filling out the Device and Username fields
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About filling out the Device and Username fields

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Article summary

Device field

The Device field can be filled with some combinations that facilitate the choice of devices that will be available for that access group.

The combinations are:

  • The device’s name plus the device's IP number. For example: DEVICE-ABC(, the group will be able to device that has exactly that name and IP.
  • One asterisk at the beginning plus a part that contains the device’s name plus an asterisk at the end. For example: *device* will be available to the group the device that contains the word device somewhere in the name.
  • The beginning of the device’s name plus an asterisk at the end. For example: device* will be available to the group the device that contains the word device at the beginning of the name.
  • The beginning of the device’s name with an asterisk in the middle and the end of the device name. For example: device*final will be available to the group the device that starts with device in the name, has some other word in between and ends the name with the word final.

Username field

When the credential’s username matches the senhasegura’s username, you can use the mask USERNAME to ensure that only visible credentials are those with the same senhasegura’s login username.

For example, the username used to access the senhasegura instance is “john”, and the group rule will be that only John will have access to credentials with the same username, which means, only credentials in which the credential's username is also “john”.

For this to be possible, the following syntax will be used to fill the field:

  • [#USERNAME#] which will bring only the credentials that have exactly the name of john.
  • [#USERNAME#]* which will bring all the credentials that have john at the beginning, regardless of how the ending turns out.
  • *[#USERNAME#]* which will bring all the credentials that have john in the middle of the credential name, regardless of how the beginning and the end are.

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