How to add an access group
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How to add an access group

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Article summary

This document provides information about a step-by-step process on how to add access groups and their rules in PAM Core module.


  • Be an admin user.

Add an access group

To correctly fill in the fields, more information in Access policies registration.

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Access control > Access policies.
  3. In the upper-right corner, click Add.
  4. At the Access policies registration screen, fill in the mandatory fields identified with the asterisk.
  5. At the General tab, fill in:
    1. Access policy name*: type a name for the group identification.
    2. Status*: select the option Yes.
    3. Description: if needed, type a policy description.
  6. At the Users tab, click Add, and add the users associated with the policie.
  7. At the Password tab, select the desired configurations.
  8. At the Sessions tab, select the desired configurations.
  9. At the Approvers tab, click Add, and add the users associated with the policie.

    To ensure that the approver user can access the approval workflow screen, they must possess a minimum of a PAM Operator profile.

  10. At the Criteria tab, fill in the available fields and select the Site*, Device type*, and Credential type* associated with the group.
  11. At the Access limitation tab, set up the permissions that will be valid for this policie.
  12. At the Review tab, has all the configurations made in the previous tabs.
  13. Click Save.

senhasegura will display a confirmation notice and the policie will be displayed in the Access policies list on the main screen.


By default, when a user is registered in more than one group with different access settings, the platform will follow the restriction rule by the credential and device combined. However, if the standard option is changed, senhasegura will follow the most restricted rule for that policie. To know how to change the default option, access the How to deactivate the restriction rule by credential and devices document.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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