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How to connect to a remote device with RDP Proxy
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This document provides information about a step-by-step guide on how to make a connection to a senhasegura server using any RDP client.
Once connected to senhasegura RDP Proxy, you must fill in the authentication data and the data of the remote device to be connected.
- Have a Remote Desktop Proxy application installed.
Connect to a remote device
- Open the Remote Desktop Connection app of your preference.
- On the Computer field, type the IP address or the senhasegura hostname.
- The User name field is optional and can be filled in when requested on the senhasegura home screen.
- If you wish to fill in, enter the username used to access the vault.
- Click Connect.
- In the senhasegura initial window, enter the necessary data:
- senhasegura Credentials section:
- Username: user registered in the vault to be accessed.
- Password: password of the user accessing the vault.
AttentionWhen your password is reset or expires, the RDP Gate will display a message warning that the password needs to be changed and display the steps that the user must take to register a new password through the web interface.
- Target device section:
- Device: IP address or hostname of the device to be accessed.
- Username: credential of the device to be accessed.
- Personal password (optional field): if a personal credential is used, enter the credential password.Info
If the device supports the use of personal credentials, provide the personal credential in the username field and fill in the personal password field.
To learn more about personal credentials, access the How to use a personal credential document.
- senhasegura Credentials section:
- Click Access.
- In sessions where the MFA Token is enabled, enter the number generated by the token in this step.
- If a presentation banner appears, with an initial message, click OK.
After these steps, the session will start and ready for use.
It’s possible to block or interrupt the session and the user while the session is active., For more information, access the How to block a user during a session document.
Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.