How to install Citrix Bridge Server using Docker container
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    How to install Citrix Bridge Server using Docker container

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    Article summary

    In this document, you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to perform the installation of Citrix Bridge Server via docker, which is responsible for communicating with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops through an HDX protocol exclusive to Citrix.


    • Linux with Docker.
    • Fuse module to transfer files.
    • RDP port (3389) open.
    • Network connection to the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops server.
    • Network connection to the server where applications run.
    • Have the senhasegura Citrix Proxy container already installed.

    Install via Docker container

    1. Download the Citrix VAD Proxy to get the .tar.gz file.
    2. Open the command prompt application of your preference to unzip the file.
      1. Type tar -zxvf docker-image_0.9.5-8.tar.gz.
      2. Press the Enter key.
      3. The message x xrdp-citrix-senhasegura-image_0.9.5-8.tar.gz will be displayed, confirming that the image was generated.
    3. Import the container image, type:
      1. sudo docker load -i xrdp-citrix-senhasegura-image_0.9.5-8.tar.gz
    4. Start the container, type:
      sudo docker run -d \
          --net host \
          --name xrdp-citrix-senhasegura-image_0.9.5-8
          --device /dev/fuse \
          --cap-add SYS_ADMIN
      Plain text
    5. Perform the validation, type:
      1. sudo docker ps

    This is the expected result after performing these steps:

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                   COMMAND       CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
    c679f44df088   xrdp-citrix-senhasegura-image:0.9.5-8   "/"   7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes             xrdp-citrix-senhasegura-image_0.9.5-8
    Plain text

    If file transfer and copy and paste don’t work, start the container by adding the command --privileged.

    sudo docker rm -f xrdp-citrix-senhasegura-image_0.9.5-8
    sudo docker run -d \
        --net host \
        --name xrdp-citrix-senhasegura-image_0.9.5-8 \
        --device /dev/fuse \
        --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --privileged xrdp-citrix-senhasegura-image:0.9.5-8
    Plain text

    Citrix Server can also be installed and configured using the senhasegura Extended Service OVA, to find out how to perform this installation, access the How to install Citrix Bridge Server using senhasegura Extended Services OVA document.


    How to add Citrix Bridge Server as a device
    How to add a RemoteApp to Citrix Bridge Server
    How to add Citrix Bridge Server credential
    How to access a Citrix desktop or application

    Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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