How to make a TELNET connection via Terminal Proxy
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How to make a TELNET connection via Terminal Proxy

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Article summary

This document provides information about a step-by-step guide on how to make a TELNET connection via Terminal Proxy.


  • Have a command prompt-type application installed on the machine.

Telnet connection

To make a TELNET connection to a device that has this connectivity linked to a valid credential, you’ll need to execute the telnet command followed by the credential and device. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the command prompt application of your preference.
  2. Enter the following command to enter the vault:
    1. ssh senhasegura_user@senhasegura_vault.

      The senhasegura_user field is the username used to access the vault. The senhasegura_vault field can be the hostname or IP address of the vault to be accessed.

    2. Press the Enter key.

      When accessing the device for the first time, a reliability warning will be displayed, type yes and press the Enter key. The warning will no longer be displayed the next time this device is accessed.

  3. Enter your password.
    1. Press the Enter key.
  4. The senhasegura shell home screen will be displayed.
  5. Type list so that the list of available credentials and devices is displayed.

    If you already know the credential (username) and the device (hostname or IP) that you want to access, it’s not necessary to use the command list.

  6. After choosing, type:
    1. telnet credential@target_device (hostname or IP address).
    2. Press the Enter key.

After these steps, the TELNET session via Terminal Proxy into the desired device will have been started and ready for use.

The senhasegura Proxy Terminal also offers other types of connections, such as:

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