How to make an RDP Proxy connection using Multihop
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How to make an RDP Proxy connection using Multihop

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Article summary

This document provides information about a step-by-step guide on how to make a connection to a senhasegura server using Multihop.

To facilitate access to the target device, use a connection syntax that contains the target access credential.


  • Have an RDP application installed on the machine.

Connect with Multihop

There are some possible syntax variations for the connection. To perform them, replace the strings with the requested data, as shown in the table below:

senhasegura_userUser registered on senhasegura.
credentialCredential that will be used for access.
domainDomain of the device that will be accessed.
target_deviceIP address or hostname of the device that will be accessed.
mfa_tokenMFA Token code for access authentication.

Connection containing user and device


Connection containing user, device, and domain


Connection containing the user, device, and access token



Users with MFA Tokens configured will also be presented with the token prompt in the next step.


It’s possible to block or interrupt the session and the user, while the session is active, to find out how to perform this action, access the How to block a user during a session document.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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