How to transfer a file in Terminal Proxy sessions using SCP 2.0
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How to transfer a file in Terminal Proxy sessions using SCP 2.0

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Article summary

This document provides information about a step-by-step guide on how to perform file transfer using SCP command in remote Terminal Proxy sessions.


  • Terminal Proxy type credential active.

Transfer via SCP

To transfer a file using SCP from a workstation to a destination server, two steps are required.

  1. In the first step, the file is uploaded to senhasegura using the user's terminal proxy.
  2. Second step, the user must connect to senhasegura Terminal Proxy to upload the same file to a destination server.

To use the scp command, use the syntax below, replacing the strings with:

file_nameFile to be transferred.
senhasegura_vaultHostname or IP address of the senhasegura vault.
senhasegura_userUser of the senhasegura vault.
path_fileThe location where the file to be transferred is.
path_file_destinationThe location where the file should be transferred.
credentialCredential username.
device_ipIP address from the device.

Access using Proxy 2.0

Using Proxy 2.0 when transferring files via the Terminal Proxy in which the accessed device has more than one type of registered connectivity, the user will have to inform the protocol that will be used and the port to make the connection.

  1. Open the application command prompt of your preference.
  2. Enter the following command line to upload from a file to the senhasegura instance:
    1. scp file_name senhasegura_user[credential@ip_device{ssh.22}]@senhasegura_vault:path_file
  3. If you are using the multi-tenant, the tenant name must be entered after the senhasegura user:
    1. scp file_name senhasegura_user%tenant_name[credential@ip_device{ssh.22}]@senhasegura_vault:path_file
  4. Enter your password.
  5. Press the Enter key to start the upload.
  6. Enter the following command to download a file from the senhasegura instance to the requestor's workstation:
    1. scp senhasegura_user[credential@ip_device{ssh.22}]@senhasegura_vault:path_file path_file_destination
  7. If you are using the multi-tenant, the tenant name must be entered after the senhasegura user:
    1. scp senhasegura_user%tenant_name[credential@ip_device{ssh.22}]@senhasegura_vault:path_file path_destination_file
  8. Enter your password.
  9. Press the Enter key to start the download.

The SCP syntax doesn’t support Multihop connection string, so these two steps become mandatory. Use SFTP transfer for a better experience.

The senhasegura Terminal Proxy also offers another type of file transfer via SFTP, to find out how to perform this, access the How to transfer a file in Terminal Proxy sessions using SFTP 2.0 document.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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