How to transfer a file in Terminal Proxy sessions using SFTP 2.0
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How to transfer a file in Terminal Proxy sessions using SFTP 2.0

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Article summary

This document provides information about a step-by-step guide on how to perform file transfer using SFTP in remote Terminal Proxy sessions.


Some SSH tools, such as MobeXterm, automatically set an SFTP connection to transfer files after logging in with SSH. These SFTP connections won’t work, as the senhasegura proxy treats them separately.


  • Terminal Proxy type credential active.
  • Start a connection via Multihop Terminal Proxy.

To transfer files directly to a destination server using SFTP, you must use the Multihop connection because binaries traveling under SFTP have no way to interact with the intermediate terminal.

Transfer via SFTP on the terminal

Due to the protocol limitations,the user can’t use a personal credential to perform the file transfer. Only with a credential registered in senhasegura will it be possible to perform the transfer.

Also, it won’t be possible to record the session, but it’s still possible to enable logging with a report of transferred files. To learn how to enable this log, access the File transfer document.

To start, follow the steps and replace the strings with the values ​​described in the table below.

senhasegura_userUser of the senhasegura vault.
senhasegura_vaultHostname or IP address of the senhasegura vault.
credentialCredential user you want to use for access.
target_deviceHostname or IP address of the device you want to access.
mfa_tokenCode generated by MFA Token.
file_nameName of the file to be transferred.

Access using New Proxy

Using the New Proxy when transferring files via the Terminal Proxy in which the accessed device has more than one type of registered connectivity, the user will have to inform the protocol that will be used and the port to make the connection.

  1. Open the application command prompt of your preference.
    1. Enter sftp senhasegura_user[credential@target_device{ssh.22}]@senhasegura_vault
    2. If the use of the token OTP is enabled, it must be inserted before the senhasegura vault: sftp senhasegura_user[credential@target_device{ssh.22}]token@senhasegura_vault.
    3. For use with multi-tenant, the tenant name must be included after the senhasegura user: sftp senhasegura_user%tenant_namecredential@target_device{ssh.22}]@senhasegura_vault
  2. Use the commands below to:
    1. Carry out the upload from a file, type:
      1. put [file_name]
      2. Press the Enter key to start the action.
      3. When the file is complete, a message <file_name> 100% will be displayed.
    2. Carry out the download from a file, type:
      1. get [file_name]
      2. Press the Enter key to start the action.
      3. When the file is complete, a message <file_name> 100% will be displayed.
  3. When finished, type:
    1. exit

If the user has an OTP token configured, use the token in the connection string. sftp senhasegura_user[credential@target_device]mfa_token@senhasegura_vault.

The senhasegura Terminal Proxy also offers another type of file transfer via SCP, to find out how to perform this, access the How to transfer a file in Terminal Proxy sessions using SCP 2.0 document.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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