New command
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New command

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Global command, Command by credential, Command by device and Command by group form screen, where it’s possible to add new audited commands for global use, or segregate by credential, device, or group.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Management > Sessions > Audited commands.
  3. In the report screen, click on the menu Actions > New command.

Command Section

This section provides information that is common in any type of audited command that is being registered. Global, by credential, by device or by group.

Name*Text fieldYesCommand identification name.
Session type*Dropdown menuYesType of session in which that command will be audited. The options are All, Terminal Proxy and Database.
Criticality*Option buttonYesDefines the criticality of the command. The options are Low, Medium and High**.** Clear the field to enable the option All.
Action during session*Dropdown menuYesSelect the action that happens in the session as a result of executing the command. The options are Allow execution, Deny execution, Interrupt session and Force.
Occurrences (minimum)Quantity selectorNoSelect the number of times the command can be used until the action chosen in the previous field is performed. The options are from 1 to 10.
Block and disable user?Dropdown menuNoOption only enabled when the Action during session field is Deny execution or Interrupt session. The options are Yes or No.
Command (ex: passwd * or regular expression: .+reboot.+$)*Text fieldYesEnter the regular expression of the command to be audited according to the rule. For example: /.*passwd.*/
Description*Text fieldYesGeneral information about the audited command.

Command by credential screen

Credential Section

SearchText fieldNoSearch for the credential in the list of included credentials.
AddButtonNoOpens the senhasegura credentials screen, so they can be included.
Credentials tableTableNoData for each added credential containing checkbox, ID, Credential Type, Username, Device, Device Type, Product, Vendor and Site fields.

Command by device screen

Device Section

DevicesText fieldNoSearch for the device in the list of included devices.
AddButtonNoOpens the senhasegura devices screen, so they can be included.
Device tableTableNoData from each added device containing checkbox, ID, Device name, Management, Site, Product, Type and Vendor fields.

Command by group screen

Groups tab

GroupsText fieldNoSearch for the group name in the list of included groups.
AddButtonNoOpens the senhasegura groups screen, so they can be included.
Group tableTableNoData from each added group containing checkbox, ID, Group, Part of password, View password, Approval for viewing, Permission for session and Approval for session fields.

Review tab

This section is common in audited command registrations by credential, device, or group. It contains the information that was added in the previous steps so that it can be analyzed and, if any changes are needed, made before finalizing the registration. The information is grouped by each tab respectively.

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