Remote session
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Remote session

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Remote sessions report screen, which displays the information and possible actions for sessions that have been completed or are currently in progress.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Audit > Sessions > Remote sessions.

Actions menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search fields

IDText fieldFilters the remote sessions by their identification code within senhasegura.
Session IDText fieldFilters the remote sessions by their unique session identification hash generated by senhasegura. Note: this identifier is used internally by the application for session-related operations such as access control, activity tracking, and resource management. Each time a session is started, a new hash is generated for that specific session.
CredentialText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the credential's username.
DeviceText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the device used in the session.
UserText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the name of the user who accessed the session.
Origin IPText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the IP address that initiated the session.
ProtocolText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the session protocol type.
ProxyText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the session proxy type. The options are Database Proxy, RDP Proxy, senhasegura.go, SSH Tunneling, Terminal Proxy, and Web Proxy.
Session startDate pickerFilters the remote sessions by the period they were initiated.
ReasonText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the reason for their initiation. Note: when session approval is required, a reason is assigned to the request. The options listed in this field may vary according to the reasons registered by the user.
JustificationDropdown menuFilters the remote sessions by the justification provided in the session access request.
Governance IDText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the governance code identification number.
Prevent PurgeDropdown menuFilters the remote sessions by the presence of purging in the session. The options are Yes and No. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • User.
  • Origin IP.
  • Credential.
  • Device.
  • Protocol.
  • Proxy.
  • Session ID.
  • Start.
  • End.
  • Time.
  • Prevent purge.
  • Request: indicates whether the session was carried out via a request or not.
  • Actions: the options described here may vary depending on the session's status.
    • Live Stream: allows viewing current sessions. Note: this option is available only for users with the roles of PAM administrator, PAM auditor, or System administrator with the specific permission of PAM.SessionManagement.Livestream.
    • Terminate session: allows terminating current sessions.
    • Session Logs: opens the Session Logs screen with information about the performed session.
    • Video of session: opens the Video of session screen with information about the session and the Video and Generate video for download buttons. Note: this button is visible for users with the roles of PAM Administrator, PAM auditor, or System administrator with the specific permission of PAM.SessionManagement.Recording.
    • Prevent purge: opens the Prevent purge of session screen for entering the description/reason for purge prevention.
    • Configure auditors: opens the Configuration of session auditors window for adding audit users to the record.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Configuration of session auditors screen

This screen allows configuring auditors for the selected session.

SearchText fieldFilters by the name of previously selected auditors.
Add/Remove selectedButtonAdds or removes auditors from the Auditors’ list. The selection of the user who will be the auditor is made through the dropdown menu added to the list.
AuditorsListDisplays a list with the selected auditors.

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