Session video - Proxy 2.0
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Session video - Proxy 2.0

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Session video report screen, which displays the remote session information and allows viewing and downloading of the session recording.

To download the session, enable the parameter Enable session video download. More information in System Parameters - Remote Session.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Audit > Sessions > Remote sessions.
  3. In the list, locate the desired session, click the Actions button, and select Video of session.

Session info section

IDDisplays the unique identification hash of the session held.
StartDisplays the session start date and time.
EndDisplays the session end date and time.
TypeDisplays the protocol used by the session.
HostDisplays the IP address of the accessed device.
UsernameDisplays the username of the credential used.
Error messageDisplays the error message displayed to the user, if applicable.

User info section

UserDisplays the name of the user who performed the access.
User IPDisplays the IP address of the machine that performed the access.

Vulnerability analysis


Session section

SizeDisplays the video file size, in B, KB, MB, or GB, of the session.
TimeDisplays the duration of the active session.
Video*Displays the button that opens the video of the session held.
Generate video for downloadDisplays the button that opens a screen informing of the generation of the video for download.

*The Video function for sessions that are used via the Proxy 2.0 will have a new viewing browser where it will be possible to access the heat map via the video timeline as well as the keystroke log. Also, all the audio available during the session will have been recorded and will be played along with the video display. To find out more about this function, access the About Session Videos - Heatmap and audio in session video document.


The video download is available via email once the conversion is complete.


If senhasegura is being used in a cluster, videos may take a few seconds or minutes to synchronize with other cluster members before they’re available.

After receiving the video generation email, go back to the Video of session screen to download the video.

Video of session section

SizeDisplays the final size, in KB, B, MB, or GB, of the video.
TimeDisplays the total duration of the video.
FormatDisplays the generated video format.
Video downloadDisplays the button to download the video.

In session videos like Database Proxy, it won’t be possible to view the results record when performing queries on database tables. This occurs for information security. In the log, only the success message will be recorded, in some cases with the number of rows that the query returned, or the error message in cases of failure.

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