Video Session
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Video Session

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Article summary

This document contains detailed information about the function and purpose of remote session videos and logs.

Video records

All data sent and received by users is recorded. This way, user input, clipboard, file transfer, mouse movement, glyphs, metadata, and all other communication abstraction layers can be identified and recorded as they really are if the native protocol supports their interaction.


Settings related to session recording are present in the System Parameters - Remote Session and How to configure a remote session (proxy) documents.

Video capture type

Unlike other solutions on the market, senhasegura does not perform screenshots in image format, real-time rendering of MP4 videos or other media formats. True protocol persistence ensures a faithful and optimized copy of the session. Idle times are recorded by a timestamp of 4 bytes per second.


Session logs, as well as any audit records stored by senhasegura, can’t be deleted or altered.

Session video view

When the Enable approval for session videos? option is set to Yes, you’ll need to make a request to view the recorded video of the session. This request must be made to both common users and administrator users since the field is enabled, otherwise any user can access the recorded video without having to request access.
In the request window, the user will need to present a justification and reason why they need access. Access the How to add a new reason for viewing document to add the possible reasons that will be used in this action.

From version 3.33 onwards, to view the session's recorded video or Live Stream, the user with the role of administrator or auditor (PAM Administrator, PAM Auditor or System Administrator) must have specific permissions for each type of viewing. More information on the User roles document to add the desired permissions to the roles.

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