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Article summary

This document provides information about the Passwords screen of MySafe in the senhasegura mobile app.

Path to access

  1. On the Products screen of the senhasegura mobile app, select MySafe .
  2. In the top bar, in the left corner, click on the side menu and select Passwords.

Top bar

Side menuDropdown menuDisplays the user profile picture, username, email, and the options Home, Passwords, Notes, and Log out.
SearchButtonOpens a text field to search for items saved in MySafe .
Products menuDropdown menuOpens the [Products] screen.

Compact password card

The following table describes the icons and information displayed in the compact version of the password card.

NameTextPassword identification name.
UsernameTextUsername is associated with the password.
Copy passwordButtonCopies the password to the clipboard.
Edit passwordButtonOpens the [Edit password] screen.

Expanded password card

The following table describes the icons and information displayed in the expanded version of the password card.

URLTextWebsite address where the password is being used.
TagsTextKeywords associated with the password.
TOTPTextTemporary tokens linked to the password are used as an additional factor in multi-factor authentication (MFA). A time icon displays the countdown for generating a new TOTP, which occurs automatically every 30 seconds.
Note: available if a secret key has been added for the password.
View passwordButtonOpens a card at the bottom of the screen with buttons to Go to URL, Copy, and View the password.
Copy usernameButtonCopies the username associated with the password to the clipboard.
Copy TOTPButtonCopies the generated token to the clipboard.
Note: available if a secret key has been added for the password.

Add new password/Edit password screens

The Add new password and Edit password screens share the same fields.

Path to access the Add new password screen

  1. In the Passwords section of the MySafe app screen, click Add in the bottom-right corner.

Path to access the Edit password screen

  1. In the Passwords section of the MySafe app screen, identify the password you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit.
CancelButtonNoCancels the action and returns to the Passwords screen.
SaveButtonNoSaves the password.
Name*Text fieldYesPassword identification name.
URLText fieldNoWebsite address where the password will be used.
Username*Text fieldYesUsername is associated with the password.
Password*Text fieldYesThe password is being added or edited.
Show/Hide passwordButtonNoShows or hides the entered password.
ConfigureButtonNoDefines the following password criteria: Password length, Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers, and Symbols.
Generate passwordDropdown menuNoGenerates an automatic password based on the defined criteria.
ConfirmButtonNoSaves the selected criteria for automatic password generation.
Password strengthProgress barNoIndicates password strength.
- Very strong password: four green bars.
- Strong password: one red bar, one yellow bar, and one green bar.
- Medium password: one red bar and one yellow bar.
- Weak password: one red bar.
Secret key (TOTP)Text fieldNoSecret key used to generate a temporary token, TOTP (Time-based One-time password), for accounts requiring multi-factor authentication.
Note: the key must have at least 10 characters, uppercase letters A-Z, and numbers 2-7.
Show/Hide secret key (TOTP)ButtonNoShows or hides the secret key (TOTP).
TagsText fieldNoKeywords to categorize the password.
NotesText fieldNoGeneral information about the password.

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