GET | Application
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GET | Application

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Article summary

Allows you to create or update an application.


GET https://vault_url/iso/dapp/application

Request Example

    "application": "APP-SQL",
    "system": "Teste_DSM",
    "environment": "Teste_DSM",
    "authentication_method": "OAuth 2.0",
    "line_of_business": "Core business",
    "application_type": "Security",
    "aws_arns": [],
    "authorized_resources": ["Application", "CI/CD", "Secret Management"],
    "expiration_date": "",
    "encryption_enabled": true,
    "allowed_ips": ["*"],
    "allowed_http_referers": [],
    "certificate_fingerprInteger": "",
    "cloud_profiles": [],
    "credential_profiles": [
            "device": "masked_device",
            "profile": "SQLServer"

Parameters for the request

NameStringSecret's name.
identityStringSecret's identity.
expiration_DateStringSecret’s expiration date.
descriptionStringSecret’s description.
EngineStringThe secret’s engine must be a valid engine registered in senhasegura.
renew_cloud_timeIntegerSet the renewal time of cloud access keys in minutes. If omitted, disables auto-renewal.
renew_credential_timeIntegerSet the renewal time for credentials in minutes. If omitted, disables auto-renewal.
renew_efemeral_credential_timeIntegerSet the renewal time for temporary credentials in minutes. If omitted, disables auto-renewal.
detailsStringMust be a valid base64 encoded .json.

Example response

    "application": "App-By-API",
    "system": "Masked_System",
    "environment": "Masked_Environment",
    "authentication_method": "OAuth 2.0",
    "line_of_business": "Core business",
    "application_type": "Security",
    "aws_arns": [],
    "authorized_resources": ["Application", "CI/CD", "Secret Management"],
    "expiration_date": "",
    "encryption_enabled": true,
    "allowed_ips": ["*"],
    "allowed_http_referers": [],
    "certificate_fingerprInteger": "",
    "cloud_profiles": [],
    "credential_profiles": [
            "device": "masked_device",
            "profile": "SQLServer"

Parameters for the response

unique_keyStringUnique identifier of an authorization, if the value is sent, the environment and system fields will be ignored for the authorization search.
applicationStringApplication name.
systemStringSystem to which the authorization belongs, used for consultation and writing in new authorizations.
environmentStringEnvironment to which the authorization belongs, used for consultation and writing in new authorizations.
descriptionStringApp’s description.
authentication methodStringMethod of authentication and authorization of the application, used only in the creation.
line of businessStringDefines the application's line of business.
Application typeStringDefines the type of application.
TagsStringDefine app tags.
Amazon ARNs (for AWS authentication)StringDefines application ARNs.
Cloud dynamic provisioning profileStringDefines dynamic cloud provisioning profiles.
Credential dynamic provisioning profile (device and profile)ArrayDefines dynamic ephemeral credential provisioning profiles.
Authorized resourcesStringDefines the authorized resources of the authorization, used in the creation.
Expiration StringStringDefine the secret expiration date, used when creating the authorization.
Enable Encryption of sensitive information?BooleanDefines the encryption of sensitive authorization data, used in the creation.
Allowed IPsStringDefines the allowed IPs of the authorization, used only in the creation.
Allowed HTTPS REFERSStringDefines the allowed HTTP referrers of the authorization, used in the creation.
Certificate FingerprIntegerStringDefines the fingerprInteger of the authorization certificate, used in the creation

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