POST | Users
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POST | Users

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Article summary


To create Users, send a request to the following endpoint:

POST /iso/scim/v2/Users


userNameStringRequiredThe unique login identifier for the user."dschrute"
externalIdStringRequiredAn external identifier for the user."12345"
name.formattedStringRequiredThe full name of the user."Dwight Schrute"
name.familyNameStringOptionalThe family name or last name of the user."Schrute"
name.givenNameStringOptionalThe given name or first name of the user."Dwight"
phoneNumbers.valueStringOptionalThe user's phone number."+1 (555) 123-4567"
emails.valueStringRequiredThe user's email address."[email protected]"
emails.typeStringOptionalThe category of the email address."work"
emails.primaryBooleanOptionalIndicates whether the email address is the user's primary email.true
entitlements.valueStringOptionalThe user's role in the system."Assistant Regional Manager"
groups.valueStringOptionalThe user groups associated with the user."Sales Team"


Returns the created users and the associated information when successful.

Sample response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

    "location": "",

If the user's password is included in the request, the user must use that password. Otherwise, you should generate a random password, and the administrator must log in to senhasegura to modify it and share it with the user.

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