Reference for authorization by application
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Reference for authorization by application

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Article summary

You can access the secrets list report through Product Menu > DevOps Secret Manager > Applications > Authorization by application.

On the screen, you'll find the following information.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it hides or shows the filter options.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it updates the information on the screen.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots, it opens a drop-down menu witht the option for the module.
New applicationOpens the registration window for a new application.
Print reportIdentified by the printer icon. It opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVIdentified by the sheet of paper icon, downloads the report.
Schedule reportIdentified by the clock icon, it opens the window for scheduling the report.

When you click on Show filters, a series of fields are displayed. These are used to refine your search results by:

ApplicationApplication name.
Code. AuthorizationAuthorization code.
NameAuthorization name.
SystemThis field is used for segmentation within senhasegura DSM. Register systems through Product Menu > Settings > System parameters > Segmentation > Systems.
EnvironmentThis field is used for segmentation within senhasegura DSM. Register environments through Product Menu > Settings > System parameters > Segmentation > Systems.
Creation dateOpens a calendar for you to choose the creation date. This will indicate that all authorizations created from this date will be filtered out.
untilOpens a calendar for you to choose an end date for the filter. This will indicate that all authorizations created up to this date will be filtered.
EnabledIndicates the status of the authorization. The available options are: Yes or No.

In addition to these options, you have two buttons: Filter, which applies the parameters passed in the fields; and Clear, which clears all the parameters.

Authorizations are grouped according to the application to which they belong. When an application has multiple authorizations, it will appear listed under the application name.


The application name is clickable. If you click on the application name, you'll be taken to the Application Configuration window in edit mode.

Application Authorization window

The Application Authorization window will be displayed whenever you register or change an application authorization. It contains the following fields:

Aba segurança

Authorized resourcesThree checkboxes: Application, CI/CD, and Secrets Management. Indicates which resources that application will have access to.
Expiration Date/TimeTwo fields. The first one opens a calendar for you to enter the authorization expiration date of this authorization. The second opens a drop-down menu to indicate the authorization expiration time.
EnabledIndicates the status of the authorization. Can be Yes or No.
Enable encryption of sensitive information?Indicates whether or not you want the information marked as sensitive to be encrypted by senhasegura.
Enable creation of DSM applications?Indicates whether the application should be able to create DSM applications.
EnvironmentDrop-down menu for selecting the authorization environment.
SystemDrop-down menu for selecting the authorization system.
Allowed IPsField to indicate which IP addresses will be allowed in the authorization. Fill in the fields with * to allow any address.
Allowed HTTP referrersField to indicate which HTTP referrers will be allowed in the authorization. Fill in an empty list (blank) to allow any referer.
Certificate fingerprintIn the Certificate validation section, you can paste the certificate fingerprint into the text field.

Secrets tab

When you click on the Secrets tab, you see the plus icon next to the word Secrets. Clicking on this icon takes you to the Secrets modal, where you can add a secret to the authorization.

In the Secrets modal, you have the following fields:

IDSecret code. Can be used to filter secrets according to code or code snippets.
SecretSecret name. Can be used to filter secrets according to name or parts of the name.
FilterButton to apply the filter parameters.
CleanButton to clear the filter parameters.

Below is a list of the secrets according to the parameters passed.

CheckboxIt's used to select the secret.
IDSecret code.
SecretSecret name.

Below the list, you have two buttons: Cancel, which cancels the search and closes the modal, and Add, which adds the secrets selected through the checkbox. The secrets added via this modal will be associated with the authorization and shown in the Secrets tab.

Encryption keys tab

When you click on the Encryption keys tab, you see the sum icon next to the word Encryption keys. Clicking on this icon takes you to the Encryption keys modal, where you can add a secret to the authorization.

In the Encryption keys modal, you have the following fields:

IDRegistration code for the encryption key in senhasegura.
Encryption keyName of the encryption key, as registered in senhasegura.
Encryption algorithmAlgorithm used in the encryption key.

Below, you have a list of the encryption keys according to the parameters passed in.

CheckboxIt's used to select the encryption key.
IDEncryption key code.
Encryption keyEncryption key name.
Encryption algorithmAlgorithm used by that encryption key.

Below the list, you have two buttons: Cancel, which cancels the search and closes the modal, and Add, which adds the encryption keys selected through the checkbox. The encryption keys added via this modal will be associated with the authorization and shown in the list on the Encryption keys tab.

View the authorization through the Application Authorization window

In the list of authorizations by application, you can view authorization details. To do this, in the Action column, click on the key icon to open the Application Authorization window in view mode. In this window, you have the following fields:

Authentication methodInforms the authorization authentication method.
ApplicationInforms which application that authorization is associated with.
Unique keyAvailable only when the application is configured to use AWS authentication and has at least one associated ARN.
Client IDClient identification. To view it, click on the eye icon.
Client secretClient secret. To view it, click on the eye icon.

Secrets session

IDCode of the secret associated with the authorization.
NameName of the secret associated with the authorization.
IdentityThe secret's identity. When creating a secret, it's mandatory to add the name and identity.
Magnifying glassThe magnifying glass icon opens the window to request authorization to view the secret.

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