SMTP configuration
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SMTP configuration

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Article summary

This document provides information about the SMTP configuration report, which presents the SMTP account settings within senhasegura.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Email > SMTP Configuration

Actions Menu

NewButtonOpens the SMTP server settings window for a new SMTP account to be registered.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options for Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search fields


To view all search fields, click More.

IDText fieldFilters by the SMTP account code in senhasegura.
NameText fieldFilters by the name of the SMTP account in senhasegura.
Sender e-mailText fieldFilters by SMTP account sender's email address.
Reply e-mailText fieldFilters by SMTP account's Reply-To email address.
Return e-mailText fieldFilters by SMTP account's Return-Path email address.
Confirmation e-mailText fieldFilters by SMTP account confirmation email address.
EnabledDropdown menuFilters according to the SMTP account status in senhasegura. It can be Yes or No.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Name.
  • Sender e-mail.
  • Reply e-mail.
  • Return e-mail.
  • Confirmation mail.
  • Enabled.
  • Default: indicates if this SMTP account is the default use in senhasegura.
  • Secure connection: indicates if the SMTP account uses a secure connection.
  • Uses config: indicates if the SMTP account should be forced to use the configuration section
  • Read Conf: indicates if the SMTP account receives a read confirmation of the message.
  • Footer: indicates if the account sends the footer in the email.
  • Actions:
    • Edit: opens the SMTP server settings window.
    • Test setting: opens the Test Email - Account window.

SMTP server settings

Account NameText fieldYesSMTP account name.
EnabledRadio buttonNoIndicates the SMTP account status. It can be Yes or No.
Sender e-mailText fieldYesFilters by SMTP account sender's email address.
Reply e-mailText fieldYesSMTP account response email address.
Reply e-mail (Return-Path)Text fieldYesSMTP account return email address.
Confirmation mailText fieldYesFilters by SMTP account confirmation email address.
Default accountRadio buttonNoIndicates whether the account is the default account for use in senhasegura. It can be Yes or No.
Send Read ReceiptRadio buttonNoIndicates whether the SMTP account will receive a read confirmation. It can be Yes or No.
Force settings useRadio buttonNoIndicates whether the SMTP account will be forced to use the default setting. It can be Yes or No.
Enable footnoteRadio buttonNoIndicates whether the SMTP account should send the message footnote. It can be Yes or No.
Host SMTPText fieldYesSTMP account host address.
PortText fieldNoPort where the SMTP account host is listening.
Use safe connection?Radio buttonNoIndicates whether the SMTP account should use a secure connection. It can be Yes or No.
Secure connection typeRadio buttonNoIndicates which type of secure connection will be used. It can be TLS or SSL.
User authenticationRadio buttonNoIndicates whether the SMTP account should use a credential for authentication. It can be Yes or No.
Ignore certificate errorRadio buttonNoIndicates whether the SMTP account should ignore certificate errors. It can be Yes or No.
Use Network ConnectorRadio buttonNoIndicates whether the account should use a Network Connector. It can be Yes or No.
Network ConnectorDropdown menuNoSelect the Network Connector to use when connecting the SMTP account. Note: This option will only be enabled if you select Yes on the Use Network Connector radio button.
Credential for authenticationDropdown menuNoSelect the credential that will be used for authentication by the SMTP account. Note: If you select Yes in the Use authentication option, the selection of a credential is mandatory; the credential must be previously registered in senhasegura.

Test Email - Account

Send toText fieldYesFill in the email address where senhasegura should send the test message.
SubjectText fieldYesFill in the subject of the test email. By default it is filled with the TEST MESSAGE! string.
MessageText fieldYesFill in the body of the test email. By default it is filled with the ATTENTION: THIS IS A TEST MESSAGE! string.

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