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Article summary

This document provides information about the Status report screen, where the status of the Network Connector can be viewed.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Devices.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > Network Connector > Status.


The Status screen from Network Connector offers cards with different information.

StatusDisplays the Network Connector configuration status.
UptimeDisplays the Network Connector runtime.
Total agentsDisplays the number of configured agents.
PrimaryDisplays the number of primary agents.
SecondaryDisplays the number of secondary agents.
Active connectionsDisplays the number of active connections.



The Agents list displays all agents configured in senhasegura.

NameDisplays the identifying name of the registered agent.
PortsDisplays the port on which the agent is operating.
PrimaryDisplays the state of the primary agent. The values ​​are Online or Offline.
SecondaryDisplays the status of the secondary agent. The values ​​are Online or Offline.
TunnelsDisplays the number of tunnels.

Broker logs

The Broker Logs section displays the Network Connector logs.

DownloadDisplays the records presented in the records pane for download.
UpdateUpdates the records panel.
PanelDisplays the logs pane.

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