System parameters
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System parameters

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Article summary

Access control

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Remote sessions

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Security settings

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Go to Settings ➔ System Parameters ➔ System Parameters ➔ Executions:

  • Number of change attempts: between 1 to 10.
  • Connection timeout (s): between 1 and 300 seconds of inactivity before the connection is terminated.
  • Read timeout(s): between 1 to 300 seconds without a response before a command request is terminated.
  • Total cycles per instruction: between 1 to 10,000 cycles.
  • Time between attempts (min): minimum time, between 0 and 1440 minutes, before the next attempt to change a password using a template.
  • Time between failed attempts (min): minimum time, between 1,440 and 10,080 minutes, before the next attempt to change a password after a previous failed attempt.
  • Template Approval workflow: choose Yes or No to decide whether new templates need to be approved before they can be used.

User Behavior

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LDAP / Active Directory

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GO Endpoint Manager

GO Endpoint Manager for Windows

  1. Log in to senhasegura.
  2. Go to Settings ➔ System Parameters ➔ System Parameters ➔ go Windows.


  • Enable credentials?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable this option.
  • Enable applications?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable this option.
  • Enable uninstall?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable uninstalling GO Endpoint Manager. * Enable network sharing?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable this option.
  • Enable network interface?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable this option.
  • Enable control panel?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable this option.

Installation settings

  • Allow auto-approval for workstation links?: choose Yes or No to decide whether a workstation request from a valid GO Endpoint Manager license should be automatically approved.
  • Allow auto-approval for a user's first link?: choose Yes or No to decide whether the first request from a previously approved device should be automatically approved.
  • Allow auto-approval of all other links?: choose Yes or No to decide whether to automatically approve all subsequent users who request access from a previously approved device.
  • Enable automatic updates for the client software?: choose Yes or No to decide if GO Endpoint Manager should update automatically if a new version is available on the server.
  • Enable user expiration time?: choose Yes or No to decide whether a user's access approval should expire after a set period of time.
  • User expiration time: Days after approval before a user expires. The time limit for a user approval form.

General settings

  • Enable offline use?: choose Yes or No to decide whether users should be able to run GO Endpoint Manager without an internet connection.
  • Enable UAC integration?: choose Yes or No to enable the use of senhasegura during UAC operations. Users can choose to enter a credential to continue the process.
  • Enable controlling Windows applications?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable this option. If enabled, GO Endpoint Manager will activate the driver that monitors Windows applications and intervene whenever an application is not in the allowlist (or is in the denylist). Only user session applications will be evaluated.
  • Enable session recordings?: choose Yes or No to decide whether to video record applications with elevated privileges.
  • Deactivate certificates automatically after an intrusion attempt?: choose Yes or No to decide whether the unique certificate that a workstation uses to communicate with the server should be disabled if the server detects an intrusion attempt.
  • Enable application malware and reputation scans?: choose Yes or No to decide whether you want to scan an application for malware and status.
  • Time between credential requests: if a Workstation is online, update a secure cache of the credential's details from time to time.

Be careful when configuring this parameter, as it can lead to a system overload. The shorter the time, the more resources this feature will use.

  • VirusTotal API token: connect to VirusTotal's API to run subsequent analyses.
  • Enable DLL analysis?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable this feature.
  • New trusted directory: add a directory you trust. * Directory path: add the path to this directory in your operating system.
  • Ignore directory during scan: check if you want to skip a given directory during the scan.
  • Directory path: add the path in your operating system to the directory you want to skip.

This field accepts regular expressions.

Workflow settings

Elevation settings

  • Users can elevate applications: check this box to enable this function.
  • Require a justification to elevate applications: check this box to require users to first provide a justification before elevating the privileges of an application
  • Require approval to elevate applications: check this box to require approval before users can elevate the privileges of an application
  • Approvals required: if the previous box has been checked, decide how many approvals are required for a user to elevate the privileges of an application
  • Denials required to cancel: how many request denials are required to prevent a user from elevating the privileges of an application.
  • Allow emergency access: check this box if you want to allow emergency access.
  • Multi-level Approval: check this box to enable multi-level approval workflows.

Access request settings

  • Require governance ID when providing a justification?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable this option.
  • Always require approval from a user's manager?: choose Yes or No to decide whether the manager of a particular user should always be one of the approvers for this user's requests.

Network access

  • Block access to the network?: when enabled, denies access to any user who tries to establish a TCP or UDP connection.
  • Block user: when enabled, blocks the user who tries to access the network repeatedly.
  • Occurrences (minimum): Failed attempts before a user is blocked. Between 1 and 10.

JIT/Elevation methods

  • Enable JIT access?: choose Yes or No to enable or disable this option.
  • Prevent elevation of privilege?: choose Yes or No to decide whether senhasegura should deny any requests to elevate the privileges of an application outside senhasegura.go.
  • Block user: choose Yes or No to decide whether senhasegura should block a user who tries to elevate the privileges of an application repeatedly.
  • Occurrences (minimum): Failed attempts before a user is blocked. Between 1 and 10.


  • Enable multi-factor authentication at login?: Yes/No.
  • Enable Single Sign-On?: choose Yes or No to decide whether GO Endpoint Manager can start an authenticated senhasegura web session in the user's default browser without a password. If an MFA token is required, senhasegura’s web service will request it before authentication.


  • Execution message: message shown to the user when an application is running on GO Endpoint Manager.
  • Execution block message: message shown to the user when a request is blocked on GO Endpoint Manager.

AD Bridge

Link to the reference document for this section.


Go to Settings ➔ System Parameters ➔ System Parameters ➔ Domum:

  • Employees domain: domain used in employee's access links.
    • E.g.:
  • Third-party domains: the domain used in the access link of the DNS server/Email settings:
    • E.g.:

Email settings

  • Sender: email account that will send the remote access link.

First authentication token

Indicates how to send the first access token:

  • Email
  • SMS


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