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Article summary

Operations refer to specific activities executed by Task Manager. For example, when performing a task that involves password changes across multiple devices, each execution of this task on an individual device is considered a distinct operation. Thus, if the password change is performed on five devices, this results in five separate operations, one for each device. This approach ensures:

  • Detailed control.
  • Precise monitoring of all actions performed.
  • Security and compliance in activities managed by Task Manager.

This document provides information about the Operations report screen, which displays the operations for each task execution in Task Manager.


  • System or Task Manager administrator permission to add and manage tasks.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Task Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Operations.

Actions menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search fields


To view all search fields, click More.

IDText fieldFilters operations by their identification code in senhasegura.
DeviceText fieldFilters operations by the device on which they were executed.
StatusDropdown menuFilters operations by their status. The options are Scheduled, In execution, Successfully completed, Error, Cancelled, Waiting approval, and Expired. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Task name: name of the task in which the operation was performed.
  • Environment: the registered environment for task execution.
  • System: the registered system for task execution.
  • Tags: keywords associated with the task.
  • Device.
  • Status.
  • Result: the operation result.
  • Actions:
    • View details: opens the Operation details screen.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Operation details screen

The Operation Details screen of Task Manager displays the following details of the selected operation:

Credential and device informationCredential type, credential username, device name, and device IP address. Ex.: Local administrator - usrudonopass [centos (]
Requester- Punctual requests: displays the name of the user requesting the operation.
- Scheduled executions: displays the value Task Manager - Executor.
Request dateDate and time when the request was made.
Schedule dateDate and time for which the operation was scheduled. For punctual operations, the date and time refer to the moment when the user requested the execution.
OperationOperation name. By default, Task Manager.
StatusOperation status. The options are Scheduled, In progress, Successfully completed, Error, Cancelled, Awaiting approval and Expired.

Attempt records

This section displays the operation execution attempts and their data.
For example, 1st attempt, 2nd attempt, and so on.

TemplateName of the template used in the operation.
VersionTemplate version number.
StartOperation start date and time.
EndOperation end date and time.
ErrorIndicates the presence or absence of error during operation execution. The options are Yes or No.
MessageMessage indicating the operation status. Ex.: "task manager operation executed successfully".
LogsDisplays the records of steps executed in the operation. It's also possible to view the logs in a new browser tab by clicking the external link icon.

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